Due to the overwhelming requests for an updated about me section, I have taken the time to write a few things down. I am Susan. I like hoodies and pajama bottoms. I like all things that sparkle and my baby doggie Euphrates (who is known by the masses as Old Man River). Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of doing whatever I wanted. I took my ASU scholarship money and drove to every state twice with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii obviously. I got married in a little chapel in Vegas and got divorced three weeks later. I worked in a diner in Montana and lived on a ranch. I hitchhiked through Mexico where I lived in a hut in Merida and taught English to the indejenas. I believe I will develop skin cancer sometime in the future because of that trip. I pretended to be a Southern bell in Georgia, but I never quite got the hang of it. Too much to say too little poise. For now I am back in Az but will be leaving shortly because the summer is coming and its too hot to stay and there are too many places to go. As Robert E. Lee said, "Let the tent be struck". Creo que cada uno en el sudoeste debe hablar espanol. Debe ser una clase obligatoria en escuela.
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