I heart MUSIC MUCHISIMO, cultural differences, dancing, partying, talking, laughing, making others laugh/smile/be happy, star gazing, candy/sweets, playing various instruments, singing with friends, being silly, spontaneity, being LOUD, cleaning (yeah, that's a "weird" one), shopping, adventures, world travel, helping others, road trips, camping, most animals, and nature. Although I do appreciate my daily alone time, I will forever be most comfortable in the presence of good friends.
Being the "social vampire" that I am, I'm always up for meeting someone new. Ummmm, as far as historical/famous people go, I guess I'd like to meet Eddie Murphy, Whoopi Goldberg, Alicia Keys, Josh Groban, Tyra Banks, Cleopatra, Ghandi, Ben Franklin, and one of my ancestors. Basically, I'm up for meeting anyone who knows that, "In order to be irreplaceable, you must ALWAYS be different."
I have VERY eclectic taste. Which, for those of you who don't know, means I like to listen to lots of different kinds of music. Just call me "JUKEBOX" :D On the other hand, I'm not down for hearin' people scream at me, so yeah... better luck next time Death Metal. Other than that, I'm down for ANYTHING.As for, 7/5/07, the trend seems to lean towards Alternative Pop, Soft Rock, Hip-Hop, Latin Pop, and Soca.
Ummmm, I'm really bad with names and can never really remember the movies that I like. Let's just say: All things Disney; Anything funny; Most things scary; Many things "dramaful", & I'm pretty much a sucker for a good "chick flick." Any recommendations?
I don't really have much time for the glowing picture box these days. I?m always either doing something with school, work, or a meetings. And the time that I do get away, I'm out with friends or just relaxing. Anyhow, sometimes I do manage to find time to watch a few favs: Discovery Channel, House, Smallville, Scrubs, CSI, Heroes, and pretty much any cartoon (Naruto/Bleach/Avatar).
Pretty much everything that I read has to do with Allied Health Care, Music Therapy, Psychology, or Languages. A few of my all-time favs would be Mythology, The Iliad, Cien Años de Soledad, Native Son, Spoon River Anthology, The Inferno, and various poetry anthologies. Yeah, me and books don't get along. I'd much rather talk to a person ANYDAY!
To put it simply, my mom has been the biggest rock/stronghold for me. She's a great woman that I hold to much esteem.