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....More Care2 Stickies Here!Well I live in Alaska, "The Last Frountier" is truly wonderful here. I am married to my bestfriend, Russ, who is in the Army National Gaurd. He has two wonderful boys, they live with thier mom. We get them in the summer and share holidays. We are a big faimly and loveing it. I beleave in the god and godess and follow a mix of native american and celtic religon, my native american spirit guide is a wolf and I have a stronge draw to nature. I respect all religiuos beliefs and am very intressed in the history behind them, our past is the best window sometimes to our own souls, who we are and our it doesn't RULE any of them, but it is an important part. WE just found out 03-01-09 we are going to be haveing twins. My schedualed c-section is Sept 21st, but being twins they are normaly born earlier or even it might be sooner, I dont care when or what they are so long as they are healthy and i am just so happy to get this chance after being told it would never happen. ..We live with a small zoo...But our pets are faimly, they are like children to me. I may joke about thier personalities, but in truth I am blessed to have them, I wouldn't give them up, trade them or leave them for anything. I love all of my fuzzy, funnky, four lagged kid-os very much. It just wouldn't be the same with out them. .. ..