This profile belongs to TWO girls who are friends. We're fun, ambitious, outgoing chicks lookin' to have fun and make REAL friends!!! Let us be more specific, we are looking to have a good time, socialize, meet new people, party, cook out, go dancing, long walks on the beach, intelectual conversations, sports bars/clubs, poetry nights, anything adventurous, new or interesting really. Looking for fun, honest, adventerous or even laid-back individuals that wouldn't mind having fun with girls like us...!!!Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Myspace Online Now IconsBrad Pitt, Justin Timberlake, T.I, Busta Ryhmes, Orlando Bloom, Shawn Connery, Lil' John, Angelina Jolie, Boris Kodjo, Tenacious D, Lil Wayne, and You!