franki profile picture


You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear

About Me

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very own MySpace Layoutsmy first cousin's doughter, isn't she gorgoues

My Interests

My Dream Car, i know i will have it, i just have to work for another 50


i am very passionate about music specially classic, jazz, and solo music. i personaly find those types of music relaxing to the mind and soul! But i still listen to anything that sounds good, music is what makes u feel alive,it lifts you up when your feeling down.Now Playing:

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comedy, action, animation,adventure and sometimes horrer! and you might ask, what about drama? tell you the truth my whole life has been a drama so far, so i am not really that interested in more drama!


havn't been watching tv that much lately, but i like watching the news on cnn, the tonight show hosted by jay leno, south park, and fear factor


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