Are you a robot?
YES! You are a robot of destruction!
You will crush anyone or anything in your path with missles and lasers and other cool things. You're one badass hunk of metal.
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I adopted a cute lil' cow fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
Anybody...except you most likely.
the stars
deathcab for cutie
fall out boy
saves the day
gwen stefani
britney spears
dream theatre
ryan cabrera
john mayer
simple plan
the killers
the gorillaz
nightmare of you
human league
brad paisley
jimmy eat world
Les miserables and pirates of the carribean 1 and 2 ANNDDD SOON TO BE 3!!!
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adopt your own virtual pet!
he said, "i'm your lover, i'm your friend, i'm pure", and he hit me again with a bullet, number one, kill the family, save the son
it all comes out in the wash
Well-behaved women rarely make history. ---Marilyn Monroe
"love is giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to."
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." ---Gandhi
I like how I don't have any heros listed here, and I haven't for about a year. :))