Oh yez I'm a mommy!!! profile picture

Oh yez I'm a mommy!!!

I am here for Friends

About Me

EvEryONe kNowS ME As A LAyd BAk PerSon GEt ON mY BAd SidE iT WiLL Go BAd 4 U!! DeY kNOw Me As AndReA... GOnnNA B a MOmmY on AUgusT 23 2007 Of a CuTe LiL BabY bOY... BoRn On Da YeaR 89 So dO dA mAtH foR mY Ag3... GRadUaTed frRom DiErUff HiGh wIt Da ClAsS of 2007....DoNt NeEd My liFe StOry So hIt A gRl uP if ANytHing.... OH yEaH i'M dOmInIcAn goT A pRobLem wiT it deN SQuArE uP fOol!!

My Interests


This is my bitch right here... yo even though i moved 100 miles from u girl u know i still got ur back if anything i remember when i lived in passaic we were always together laughing playin around shoppin man u know everything about me even shit that i am embarrased to say u taught me how to keep my head up... i love u like a sister and its crazy how life is first we was enemies now look at us ooo and congrats u gonna be an aunty!