WHAT REALLY MATTERS: Have you ever been placed in a situation where you were asked to do something you knew was wrong, and the consequences of refusing were monumental? What did you think? Maybe it won't really matter if i do this once. Only one time, never again. The Lord will understand.
Or did you come to God and pray? Did you say, Lord, what's Your mind about this matter? What instructions do You want to give me through Your guidebook for life, the Bible? Then did you turn to your Bible for answers?
I don't know about you, but sometimes when a crisis arises, I find myself asking others to pray before i talk to God about the situation myself. I've come to realize that God wants me to read His Word and talk to Him first.
We constantly carry on a personal conversation with ourselves. We evaluate every situation. We review conversations we've had with others over and over in our minds. We carry on an internal discussion about life and our evaluation of it.
I believe God wants us to invite Him into that conversation. That's what I believe Paul means when he tells the Thessalonians to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). God never gives us a command that we can't fulfill. So instead of talking to yourself, why not start talking with God? :)
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