This site is operated by members of the Upon Beauty Rests Street Team.
Add us so you can keep updated on UBR news and dates! Ask us questions that you couldn't get through to them about. I bet we know the answers! You will NOT be able to reach the band through this profile!
Copy and paste the HTML below for your own UBR MySpace player:
Please support UBR by placing a banner on your page:
Remember to post bulletins with UBR banners in them often!
Become a member!
How to be a part:
Becoming a part of this group of people isn't that hard. Just add us and make sure that you have a UBR banner someplace on your page. The biggest thing is to always remember to tell ALL of your friends about how much you love UBR and get them all to check out and add the band. Make sure everyone in the area of the tour knows UBR is coming to town. Other than that, we want to know you. Keep in touch, sport the street team banner on your page like a badge! We're all family here. Not to mention we all have something in common; WE LOVE GREAT MUSIC!!