Whassup, m'all? M'name is Miss Tasteful and I am s'blest 2 B here on MySpace sharin' UrSpace
an' comin' 2gether 2 create OURSPACE.U know there R so many brothers and sisters out there in this Big Ol' Worl' who need sum Str8-Up, Down-Ass Luv'n'Un'erstandin'...and that's just what I'ntend 2 bring 2 all U all frou m'music.
Me an' m'producers, ShooFly & JuneBug, R curr'ntly workin' on m' 19th album, Diss-Tasteful, as well as constructin' a FULL Disc-O-Graphy. Trust Miss T when she says IT'S GON' B WORTH TH' WAIT. (In th' meantime, go check m'blogs 2 educatechaself 2 m'life story. Git!)
An' P.S. If I add U, it's cuz I WANNA. Ain't no automated MySpace robots workin' 4 ME. MyGen Profile Generator