I now head up the Global Explorers Society which is an adventure travel club. This means that I am busy planning adventures all over the world!
I am also very active with The Association of Group Travel Organizers (AGTOI) where I help teach people how to be Group Travel Organizers (which is what I am).
You can get a copy of my online travel course at www.RealVacationCareers.com
It is free. (Click Here Now!)
I am still promoting art, entertainment, music and social events from time to time. But over the years, I've become more of an online geek. People actually pay me now to show them how to promote and market stuff online!! Isn't life strange!
Between adventures, I am a full time dad. Soccer games, cub scouts... bike rides, rollerblading...camping out...campfires... ghost stories... It's a beautiful life.
Every now and then, I still pretend to be a musician. My daughter will perform with me now and then (but as she gets older...I'm not as cool as I used to be!). And I still strive to be a profound starving artist. However, now when this happens, I just go to Chipotle for a burrito.
I still produce and direct film and video projects... once a junky always a junky... and one day I'll end up in a self-induced coma in some editing bay... The only change is that now my subjects are soccer games and talent shows, and music videos for birthday parties!
I like to think that I am still just as restless and edgy as I have always been. Especially after a good nap!
Keep on keep'en on!