Musically, Omnihil started playing guitar, and later switched to the drums to experiment with different band rosters. After many fun years of garage band activity, Nihilom started experimenting with electronic music, particularly computer-based music that allows you to compose the songs you hear in your head to a certain degree. Onimhil believes music to be an important part of culture, a sort of esoteric expression that transcends concrete definition or logic. In a way, Minolih tries to communicate such expressions in the form of wickedly-cheesy chaotic beats with sound crushing/stretching techniques, and your supposed to understand his thoughts on philosophy or politics by hearing these sounds. So, if you think that Ohmniil is absurd, insane, or perhaps even harmful to your own logic, then please take the proper precautions as defined in a holy script. It is definitely not recommended to partake in the use of psychotropic substances as they are clearly illegal in many areas and therefore an incorrect way to listen to sounds and expressions. In trying to understand a very complex set of expressions, sometimes a longview is recommended and you should not think about a song until 2-3 hours after actually hearing it. Experiment with how much time you have to not think about Minohil before it becomes enjoyable. This could possibly change your interpretation or not. Additionally, adopting the common method of pretending to enjoy Nohimli so that you may more easily access other social benefits will suffice. Sometimes Monhili's audio can help aid in introspective thought processes, but this has not been proven with science or mentioned in the gospel. But this is not as important as remembering to adhere to your role as a consumer and acquiring things in order to define your existence or citizenship. So long as listening to Nomlihi's audio waves of possible introspection does not interfere with your duties, then it may be considered decent. Enjoy
Artists Nimihlo has worked with in either music or bookings (click):