Traveling, Music, Dancing, Exploring, Reading, Running, Sleeping,Different Cultures, and My BEAUTIFUL family and friends
Jazz , R & B, Hip Hop, Classical, Soul, NeoSoul, Funk, African, Latin, and much more.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Goapele - Closer -- Video provided by
Shawshank Redemption, Battle of Algiers, Yesterday, In the Time of the Butterflies, Deja Vu, Jason's Lyric, Coming to America, Friday, anything with Dave, Kings of Comedy, Farenheit 9-11, Life and Debt, Tsotsi, When we were Kings, and Malcolm X
Fresh Prince of Bel Air (best show ever!), anything on AL-Jaazeera, Link, BBCWORLD, Discovery Health
Autobiography of Malcom X, Bible, Black Boy, Koran, Collection of Poems by Langston Hughes, Invisible Man, Confessions of an Economic Hitman and Racial Matters.
My family and friends.People who are distinguished by their exceptional courage and strength like Harry Belafonte, Angela Davis, Malcolm X, and Leila Khaled. Everyone dedicated to the liberation of ALL oppressed people.