Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} profile picture

Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N}

Go through life with my middle fingers in the air

About Me

This man may be our only hope, check him out, take him seriously:

About me?
If you know me, then you probably already know. Pessimist about many things. Optimist about many things. Dont care about the rest. Balanced love, hate, and indifference. Your actions choose which path we tread.

I work hard, and have a lot to show for it: a great family, the best friends and crew, the best girl, the best dog, a house, a shop, a media co, and a retarded collection of motorcycles and cars. Fuck with any of it and pay the price.



My Interests

Music, mayhem, death rods, hot rods, vintage and kustom motorcycles, philosophy, goin' ape-dog for no reason, anthropology, breaking shit then fixing it, welding & metal fabrication, hitting heavybags and human pinatas, fast & hardcore living& learning, getting excited and bustin caps in the air, east coast assholeishness, my true friends and fam...

I'd like to meet:

People who have woken up and give a fuck.


Music for fightin': punk rawk, hardcore, gearhead punk rock'n roll, gangsta rap, outlaw country, Wagner heavy classical, some doom

Music for chillin': stoner/doom, surf, crime jazz, spy, sleazy lounge, exotica

Some Specifics (in no particular order or genre):

johnny cash, CHURCH OF MISERY!gangsta nip the southpark psycho, slayer, Alabama Thunder Pussy, Cro-Mags, Martin Denny, Nebula, Lipcream, SSD, Necros, Corrosion of Conformity, Jerrys Kids, GANG GREEN, Sheer Terror, Gein and the Graverobbers, Outo, the Langhorns, Eric B & Rakim, NEGATIVE APPROACH, Orange Goblin, Getto Boys, Zeke, DYS, Minor Threat, Bad Brains, 7LES, Youth of Today, KISS, the Rev, Negative FX, Last Rites, SLAPSHOT, Metallica, PE, WARZONE, The Crimson Ghosts, Poison Idea, Battalion of Saints, SCISSORFIGHT, Genocide Superstars, BLACK FLAG, Blast!, the first Suicidal Tendencies album, Turbo AC's, Nashville Pussy, Trip 6, Motorhead, Dick Dale, Agent Orange, Gauze, Halfway to Gone, Ironboss, Don Ho, Antiseen, JUDGE, Dixie Witch, Chain of Strength, Slim Whitman, Black Sabbath, Ted Nugent, Pentagram, The FREEZE, Earth Ride, Jedi Mind, The Hidden Hand, EPMD, Integrity, Honkey, Knuckl Dragger, FU MANCHU, Uniform Choice, Misfits, Verbal Assault, GOATSNAKE, Agnostic Front, RAGING SPEEDHORNand so on and so on.


the big lebowski, fear & loathing in las vegas, clockwork orange, old school, the loveless, natural born killers, pulp fiction, bikini bandits, texas chainsaw massacre, the trilogies, repo man, spaghetti westerns, b-movies, cult cinema, 60's biker movies, monster island movies, kung fu flicks, documentaries.


family guy, twilight zone, the munsters, the simpsons, fast lane, i dream of jeanie, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog


Hunter S. Thompson, Tom Wolfe, Kerouac, Joseph Campbell, Jim Goad, Hemingway, Bukowski, Lovecraft, robert anton wilson, jim marrs, Alex Jones, behold a pale horse, holy blood/holy grail, tao te ching, art of war, buddhist & taoist philosophy, anthropology, kustom kulture, libertarianism, and anything to do with motorcycles, hot rods, & metalshaping/fabrication.


any wise cats that still live hard, fast, and kick ass. Bad Santa.

My Blog


The importance is high. The reasons are common sense. I can school you if you dont have it. Here's a good starting point:  ...
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:21:00 PST


Taxation without representation. HA! We've come a long way, baby. Have you ever really thought about all the taxes you pay. Not just your federal and state tax that gets taken out of your check... M...
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 07:57:00 PST

Actually - NO, DONT VOTE AT ALL...

Americans vote largely based on emotion and convenience, and that is one of the main things that has really fucked our country. Please dont vote if you are voting solely based on any of these things:...
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:38:00 PST

"Vote for Change"

As some of you know - "Super Tuesday" is tomorrow. So a lot of people will be out voting in State primaries. Something that has been bothering me a lot lately is the hype around Obama. "Obama stands f...
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 09:22:00 PST

In the changer right now...

Hank III - Louisiana Stripes (yeah, the fucked up CD) Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique Ringworm - Justice Replaced by Revenge That is all (well besides 630 WPRO)...
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 10:02:00 PST

<<<<THIS IS WAR>>>>

There's a war on the middle class in America today.   Many of you may (or may not) know that over the last 3 or 4 decades this has been silently growing and has become more emboldened as of late...
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 07:56:00 PST

the blood of tryants

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 07:58:00 PST

Rotation Pt. II

In the changer: Axehandle - s/t LP Halfway to Gone - s/t LP DYS - Brotherhood LP NA - Ready to Fight Goatsnake - Trampled Under Hoof Fireball Ministry - their rock is not ours COC - Animosity and 6 S...
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 08:19:00 PST


Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Here's the current CD rotation. You should own all these records. Integrity - To Die For Johnny Cash - box set Cro Mags - Age of Quarrel Nebula - To the Center Uniform Choice - Screaming for C...
Posted by Rev Truth {L.B./H.F./D.E./K.A.N} on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST