HuskersGirlLaura profile picture


Husker really loves Laura, i promise!

About Me


ok, i should add a quick little notice that i only listen to music if i like the beat. I honistly don't give a damn about the lyrics. whatever they say is usually half unitelligble, and personally, i don't bother connecting them to the real world.

If you would like to know where I'm at, drop by A Scribed World and look around there. If you want to talk to me, I own that domain, and so i pay attention to it.
I am a random person who rarely shows her innermost feelings. AND I have very little to say here, because, due to circumstances, the last time I tried to put something here, some one was watching my every move and I didn't really like it so I logged off to finish another day, and at the moment I've forgotten what I wanted to put here.
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Adding more stuff, (what fun, right?)
You are the warrior anime girl.You are the type
that can start a fight and win.You are very
strong and can beat anyone up (but just don't
^_~) and some people can be afraid of you but
alot of people admire your strength and want to
be just like you well the people that want to
fight.You can defend yourself very easily and
can probably handle some kind of weapon.You
have a short temper(like me)and get angry
easily but you can be really nice at times
^_^and once a fighter always a fighter.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

Sci-Fi, Anime, manga, international politics, intergalactic politics.

Get free graphics at!

I'd like to meet:

hmmmm...... The actors and actresses of the Star Treks, the Stargates (SG1 & atlantis), and Battlestar Galactica.


hmmm... Battlestar Galactica's Opening AND Ending themes!

And the fanmixes by all the cool BSG fans!
As well as all those fan vids made from songs we know with images from the show!


uh - Underworld and Underworld Evolution, and a few others, i just can't think them up right now.


Sci-Fi, and anything that has something to do with Law and Order, and CSI. at least, when I'm in i watch those.


I own 2/3s of the books in my house, so this is a hard question. (we have 46 sixteen inch across, tweleve inces deep shelves, in the form of 18 impressive bookcases scattered around this house. AND 29 of those shelves are mine.)


Natalija Nogulich, Mary McDonnell, most of my Net Buddies, and a few random other peoples i find fasicanating.

Sir Integral Wingates Hellsing (anime: Hellsing) Laura Roslin (tv: Battlestar Galactica)

My Blog


well, I admit, this is rather interesting/boring.I have been at WKU for 3 weeks, and unlike most of my dorm mates I have only been home once the entire time.(labor day weekend, sorry to those who mis...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 08:30:00 PST

my birthday

there were no birthday messages here for me.......::: to my "flist" :::ya'll are supposed to be so up-to-date and everything, but you missed the birthday..... oh well~~~the rest of the rant~~~The real...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Sun, 14 May 2006 10:54:00 PST


well, the Ap test seemed easy, but the last time an AP test felt easy, well.. lets just put it, i failed rather badly. oh well. i should go talk to my "flist" on another site. they haven't heard from ...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Sat, 06 May 2006 11:45:00 PST


Ok, It's offical. I'm the fucking expendable friend. if you've known me for more then a year, I'm fucking expendible. You don't have to make plans to hang out with me, because I won't mind. Obviously...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:54:00 PST

sometimes i wonder

i have to wonder why some people even try being friends. b/c it seems to me that almost all of the people i know backstab their friends, flip-flop as to who they want to be friends with and when,...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 08:47:00 PST

bored as heck!

okay, i'm bored/ favorite messageboard site is downand has been down for at least two daysInvision free had better get their asses into gear and fix the frakking problem! and myspa...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Fri, 23 Dec 2005 05:31:00 PST

damnable sociopathic muses

I am in a lousy mood. My muse is a sociopathic multiple personalitied bitch too. not fun for me. but obviously you've figured that out by this point, otherwise you wouldn't even be bothering to read. ...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 02:57:00 PST

Oie-la, took me a while

ok, yes, this took me a while. Sorry 'bout that. At the moment I am trying to write an essay about why certain characters in my favorite TV show can/cannot be what they are as of this moment., so sry ...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:34:00 PST


  Okay. I waited almost two weeks to bring out my reaction to HP6 and here it is in offical Trekkie and Sci-Fi fan style.OH MY FRAKING GOD (S)!What WAS she thinking?!?!?! I am so crushed.So ...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Kinda bored, but wanna make an announcement!

There are four days between today and HARRY POTTER 6 COMING OUT AND THE PREMEIRS OF THREE OF MY FAVE SHOWS!!!!! Harry Potter 6, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica, from 1800 fri...
Posted by HuskersGirlLaura on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST