mehr infos auf www. lysa-club. com
Ion Ludwig [Resopal, Alphahouse, Underl_ne, Stock5]
Agnès [Sthlmaudio, 60Sec, Minibar, Plak, Resopal]
Destroyal [Destroyal Crew]
Douglas Greed [Freude am Tanzen, Combination, Elster]
Pinch 'n' Peedge [Enliven Music, Finebeatz]
Stereofysh [Berlin, New York]
A3000 [Delikat-Berlin]
Brian Corvin [Viecollective]
Chris E [Tanz + Klangkombinat]
Christonez [Frequenz Ost]
Cortex Delay [Wolke Zwo4]
Daniel Stefanik [Freude am Tanzen, Moon Harbour, Statik Entertainment]
David Kohlmann [Enliven Music, Wolke Zwo4]
Deep Davis [Elan Club]
Di:Pol [Club Zooma]
Ebi [Schlaflosenächste, Vinylkultur]
Gunne [Opossum, Lebensfreude, Audiomorph, Fassade]
Hille [Finebeatz]
Jamy Wing [Einmaleins, Off Recordings, Finebeatz]
Jan B [Polyfon, Oderaufbrot]
Jesber [Klangkollektiv]
Johannes Moses [Finebeatz, Dixon Musik, Elektrostatik]
Justin Cowley [Klangkino]
Kenny Leaven [Traum Schallplatten, Beware Of The Dog, ARMUT24]
Klangaggregat [Sporadisch]
Klimm Bimm [Vinylkultur]
Liftier [l'auditeur]
Magermilchbande [Audiojunkys]
Maik Schwede [ZGT Schuppen]
Marc Cobbler [M-bass-Y, Manga Club]
Mark Henning [Soma, Cynosure, Einmaleins, Frankie, F.A.T.
, Trapez]
Marvellous [Freude am Tanzen, l'auditeur]
Mashu Sunim [Daas Muna]
Mbeck [l'auditeur]
Miss Sirley [Viecollective]
Oliver Goldt [Freude am Tanzen]
Phil Morgan [Viecollective]
Phonoautomatic [Tropic, Polytone]
Reiko Seefeldt [Klangkollektiv, Revolt Club]
Rio Soul [Klangkollektiv]
Roed Svensk [Soulfunk Digital, Reelgroove, Housepacific]
Shahira [Minimaldesigner Zürich]
Shooshine [Anny Jack Records, Resopal]
Soundclash [Legotek Group Tel Aviv]
Swilen Oschatz [Kommune 34]
Taron Trekka [Finebeatz, Freund der Familie, Brut!, Intoxik]
Thomas Fröhlich [Kann Records]
Thomas Stieler aka Styl-o [Electric Soul]
Tobias Winkler [Klangkino]
Treplec [Milnormodern Records, Philpot]
Waverider [Dubstars]
Weedbeat [Vinylkultur, Epicure Business]