Sheesh. Well lately, it seems like I've been driving my nose quite heartily into the grindstone. During the day I'm protecting folks from their own fatuity, and at night I'm fortunate to be playing with some brilliant musicians; Roger Drawdy & The Firestarters. I'm blessed to have a wonderful and supportive family, and some truly warm friendships. Life's a slice!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Some of the drummers/percussionists in my friends list. Oh, and that guy John McBride from Roger Drawdy & The Firestarters. . . He's the coolest!
My Blog
Blog 1: About this whole Vibraslap thing. . .
First, see my PICS for an image of a VibraSlap if you're not certain what I'm talking about. It's a percussive instrument that vibrates when struck on the knob.
So how the excitement started:
The... Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 21:56:00 GMT