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About Me

Yeah it's all about me!!!"Crystal"I am 23 years old I am a full-time student at Baker College, I have my Assoicates Degree, Currently working on my BA in Human Services. I have a full-time "JOB". I have a 4 year old daughter Mecayla and a 1year son name M.J whom I love dearly. Right now in my life I wanna get married and buy me a nice house with a back yard for my two kidds. And some day make a lot of Ca$h. Yall no it's all about saving them Dollars so that you dont have to ever want for nothin in this world better yet no let your kids want for nothing in this world. Today I feel as though a person should just live life to the fullest becasue tomarrow is never promised. I say travel save ur money so that you can oneday take your child/children to Disney World where all the fun begins. Last but not least, LUV ur self, RESPECT ur self, LIVE for ur self, LUV GOD and if you do all these things ur time here on earth will last longer than the next, one more thing " dont never let a man distroy your dignity, respect beauty, life, and ur love for the next man that walks into ur life. GET UR OWN CAR, UR OWN HOUSE, GET A JOB OH YEAH UR A BAD BITCH... HE MADE THAT SONG FOR STRONG WOMEN LIKE US... Just a thought for for the women out here living life to fullest... "Holla Back"

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All real people who are about their business are allowed. Because with a little bit of motivation can go along way for someone who does not see themselves going very far in life, so let my page be something like a motivational sense of direction to all those that want to do something productive with themselves. So basically living thier lives to the fullest and treating everyday like it's thier last. LOVE, RESPECT, and HONOR... These are the three things you need to survive in today's modern day world... Last but nor least to the young ladies arounf here lets start to find a good man and settle down and get married and make sure he gets you sum real DIAMONDS

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