The FEMALES ON FIRE COMPILATION CD series celebrate over 100 talented female artists from around the world, delivering songs in a tapestry of different genres & styles of music dedicated to messages empowering femininity, human equality, love, communication and vitality. Designed to promote and celebrate our favourite and talented artists, the Females on Fire CD Compilations and Tours expose independent female singer/songwriters from all genres of music AND also encourage male artists who have either a song or song title that is about, for and dedicated to women, females and femininity.CD 1 artists: Alpha Cat - Astra Kelly - Celeste Lear - Chrissy Coughlin - Cindy Alter - Deborah Bishop - Dianna Paige - Dina Gathe - gilli moon - Hilde Sevens (Red7s) - Holly Light - Jamie Green - Joan Enguita - Julie Sydenham - Kelen - Kim Erin - Kris Miller - Lexy Collins - Linda Geleris - Little Sista - Lizzie - Penelope Torribio - Rachel Garlin - tch - That Girl Laura - Gypsy Butterfly - Tracy Stark - Trysette - Vertigo Road - Wendy De Rosa - Willow
Purchase CDCD 2 artists: 9 red sun - amy lennard - amy therrien - ann-marita - cara tyler - carla fleming - cherelle jardine - cyndi vellmure -debra knox - eleanore altman - fran gray - gabrielle - gilli moon - holly light - jacinta - julie schreiber - karen cobb - kim char meredith - kris miller - kristy hanson - laura bradley - lauren briant -leigh silver - lisa bell - maeve hughes - megan laurie - melissa forbes - michael ann - riddle the sphinx - roberta chevrette - sandy cash - sheryl clapton - tret fure - twila - willow
Purchase CDCD 3 artists: Amanda Abizaid - Amy & The Rock Sisters - Anne Mironchik - Annie Minogue Band - Bentley Kalaway - Claire Wyndham - Danica Lani - Davina Robinson - Debbie Deane - gilli moon - Graze - Heavy Weather - Hide From Cleo - Jody Gnant - Kathy Greenholdt & The Edsel Bros. - laura aidanblaise - Laura Bradley - Lauri Jo Chapman - Maeve Hughes - Melany Moloney - Melissa Mullins - Michelle Mangione - Miria - Paulina Logan - Rana - Robbie Kaye - Sally Tomato - Shaune Ann Feuz - Sirens - Storme - The Borderers - The Crack - Tulla's Headspace - ZION Trinity - Zoe Scott - Zoraida Santiago
Purchase CDCD 3 debuts July 8, 2008, at The Mint in Los Angeles!DETAILSPromotion and distribution are directed to music supervisors (film and television), music publishers, national music conferences & seminars, record labels, the media (print and radio), producers, and artists looking for songs. The CDs are perfect vehicles for artists to access the music industry, the media and make potential long lasting business relationships for their music. Retail distribution includes direct sales through the Warrior Girl Music Store and our distributors in the U.S, Canada and Australia.With her record label, Warrior Girl Music, gilli moon has launched Females On Fire as a vehicle and platform for female artists to be heard and shine, with now three compilations and an ever growing, ongoing, tour. Warrior Girl Music (WGM) is a creative arts company that is is dedicated to producing quality events and productions featuring a diverse blend of music, art and language for the showcasing of rising talent from around the world. WGM's mission is to create, promote and manage unique artistic creations that are guided by the artist's vision and under the artist's direction; creations that transcend race, age or gender and that embrace passion, love for music and life, personal excellence and global consciousness. WGM produces and manages events, promotes artist tours; seeks to create high-end music productions and concept albums, including artist releases and compilations, handles music supervision for the studio, film and tv, designs multimedia, web and PR campaigns, conducts retail and street promotions; markets products, and develops artists to their fullest potential as individuals and creative beings. Gilli is also author of the motivational book "I AM A Professional Artist" and is president of Songsalive!, a non-profit organization supporting and promoting songwriters worldwide.FEMALES ON FIRE WEBSITE
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