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Skyethe marchez...the ralliez...the demoz... all that duznt go far enuff for most. most that are very highly frustrated/agressive. theeze individualz that are soaked in pain and distrust for anything they have bin told by their first educatorz, are very cranky, judgmental, uncomfirtable and very slow for them...sum ridicule for the sake of boasting their chi. their knowledge of sumthing that otherz due not gnow. otherz feel they are pushing it to the limit and want more than this satisfactory lifestlye that america offerz...or wuteva??? they think they're pushing it and they're really only scratching the surface. in the big picture..if one iz so focused and devoted entirely to destroy or penetrate one area. that one will miss other viewz, optionz, other bridgez and spend all that energy on one thing. wich iz good for projects of such sort but in life, win working with peoplez mindz...working through iduz with people who are distracted by the machine, one needz compassion first, feel the people, overstand and see eye and eye with them, patience iz key win working with mindz. we were brought up in this shit, and thoze frum farther places had it even worst. so if one speaks of the machine beast and acts like they dont gnow how the manipulation and illuzion came to be, or why manymanymany are so angry and selling out then one duz not truly walk with wizdom of our mother earth, father sky, the creator Ometeohtl. one walks and holdz knowledge...information afta the fact of action. so that one iz in a constant state of reaction and judgment...come full circle with urself. look and see with 3rdvizion, the Big Picture...thank u 4 reading...have a beautifull experience this moment and the next...OmeteohtL.....Luv WolfhawkDeer... <) Tlazohtla Kwahflow (>meye grandmotherz and grandfatherz who live in us. who keep us moving foward. the children indigoez who create the space of softness, silliness, and innocense. meye peerz who live change, who stand up to their friendz, parents, and whoeva iz perpetuating white sepremacy or musajuny (oneinthesame4me), thoze who train to protect the seedz, the land, the people. thoze who work within themselvz to Restore the Balance of Life...of the Force... Feminine and masculine ..water and fire.. earth.. wind.. eldorz..children..performerz and the listenerz/watcherz Phuckc VIP REVOLUTIONARIEZ AIGHT!!!BUT ALL THEEZE PEOPLE EYE TYPE OF ARE MEYE/OUR SHE/HE ROZE!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE LIEK MEYE INSPIRATIONZ 2 LIVE 4 2MARROW WORK TODAY AND REMEMBER YESTERDAY SO TO HONOR THE COMPLETION OF LIFE...

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