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* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: not sure..brown??
Height:: dwarf-like
Favorite Color:: yellow
Screen Name:: Della
Favorite Band:: dont have 1
Favorite Movie:: hmm tough one... finding nemo!
Favorite Show:: friends
Your Car:: a red one
Your Hometown:: BOLTON!! and damn proud
Your Present Town:: Manchester
Your Crushes First Name:: thats a secret...
Your Grade:: a*
Your Style:: me me me
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: i wouldnt be able to climb that high
Kissed someone in the rain?: many a time
Danced in a public place?: you just cant stop me
Smiled for no reason?: always do. often when im confused
Laughed so hard you cried?: this morning actually
Peed your pants after age 8?: shh dont tell
Written a song?: nope
Sang to someone for no reason?: no...maybe squealed
Performed on a stage?: im not a fan of the stage
Talked to someone you don't know?: last night!
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: ooooooh yes
Made out in a theatre?: probably
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: damn rite
Been in love?: yes...never again what a ball ache
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: tom
Tell you, I love you?: archie
Kiss you?: arch agen
Hug you?: gotta be arch we hada gud hug this mornin
Tell you BYE?: the girls
Write you a note?: my buddy helen. it was sweet
Take your photo?: the tilllate man lastnite... it was a shocker
Call your cell phone?: anna! thanx hun
Buy you something?: rach arch, double vodka and lemo. thanx!!
Go with you to the movies?: cell rach and jenbob
Sing to you?: tom
Write a poem about you?: nobody ever has :-(
Text message you?: jenny lee
Touch you?: tom...he cant keep his hands off me
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: about 2 mins ago
Time you cried?: had a good blubber the other day
Movie you watched?: saw 3 it was sick!
Joke you told?: kant rememba they roll out so often
Song you've sang?: girls just wanna have fun! and we sure do!!
Time you've looked at the clock?: just after reading the question?!
Drink you've had?: cuppa tea courtesy of medds
Number you've dialed?: toms
Book you've read?: book? whats that? maybe a mag
Food you've eaten?: maccys!! McChicken sandwich yumyum
Flavor of gum chewed?: minty
Shoes you've worn?: ma gold dollys
Store you've been in?: if u can class maccys..
Thing you've said?: hmm yeah (dont know what tom askd tho i wasnt paying attention)
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: nope
Whistle?: i can try
Blow a bubble?: if i really wanted to
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yes. im so talented
Cross your eyes?: yeh but i dont look too hot
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no thank god its disgusting
Dance?: i believe so
Gleek?: whats gleek?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: i did that last nite..feling it now tho
Speak a different language?: i try from time to time
Impersonate someone?: not very well im sure
Prank call people?: dont see why i wud want to?!
Make a card pyramid?: and again...why?
Cook anything?: if you class microwave meals im bloody awesome
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: abit cleverer it wudnt have taken me 4 times to fill in this bloody thing!
I wish ...: chocolate ran out of the tap in my kitchen mmmmm
So many people don't know that ...: well if i told u this they would know so ill keep it to myself
I am ...: a confused but friendly person hehe. dont try to understand me just love me!!
My heart is ...: bloody confused right now the poor thing
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