I sing in bars when the occasion arrises... love nothing more than to jam with random musicians in a bar, improvised jazz is my thing.. feels so good to make something up on the spot with different people.. and know that what you did will never be heard again... it was just a collaboration of the moment that only you and the audience experienced. Never to be done the same again. Maybe I thrive on this due to my ongoing battle with the brainwashing nature of commercial radio etc.-sing my own words and thoughts instead of just singing along to others... who knows! Love photography... have been meaning to study but just can't seem to get around to it. Me and my commitment issues. haha. I love to travel... there's so much to see and experience in this big wide world of ours! ... and so much more ...
People who can relate to what i said above^...... positive people!!
Ani Difranco, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Bic Runga, Verse 2, Anika Moa, Mostef, Talib Quali, Dilated Peoples, Che Fu, Tori Amos, Farside, Heather Nova, Sugarbabes, Lucious Jackson, Beastie Boys(old school stuff), Fat Freddy's Drop, Salmonella Dub, Jack Johnson, Marvin Gaye, all the men and all the sisters i know who share their talents here in Aotearoa
Amelie, Whale Rider, What Dreams May Come, Adam Sandler films-funny funny guy, The Spanish Appartment
..is over-rated..
whatever seems to find it's way into my hands at the time... I like to be able to immerse myself in a book... if it doesn't grab my attention fairly fast i can't be arsed reading it...
My grandmothers, mother, father, brother and sisters. and my high school art teacher who helped me learn to believe in myself........ kia ora.