Who The F**k? profile picture

Who The F**k?

Who The F**k?

About Me

If you object to profanities or fucking fantastic new music then put your fingers in your ears! ‘Who the Fuck?’ is dedicated to making sure the best new acts get the publicity they so rightly deserve. We had our launch night on the 16th November and will be taking things bigger and better in the New Year!
Here at Who the Fuck towers we are secretly planning an evil scheme to kidnap the best unheard of, up & coming and more established artists, take them back to our lair where we will force them to swear alleigance to Who the Fuck, eat scones and drink copious amounts badly made tea, before throwing them onto a stage at the mighty SeOne club, handing them instruments and an up for it crowd and wait to see what happens!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?: If you're a musically talented rapscallion who's sounds aren't seeping their way into enough ears then get in touch with anyone at Notion magazine (www.notionmag.com) and send us your demo's. We will take it home. We will look at it. Perhaps we'll even caress it. But first of all we will listen to its sweet sweet music and if it deserves to be heard.... then you may just be in with a chance to perform at the next Who The Fuck? in the New Year! Oh yes, what you're thinking is right - Notion and Who the Fuck? are deeply deeply special! Now go tell your friends - they will like you more....


To celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus (or the ridiculous, yet inevitable excess that the seasonal holiday brings), Notion is offering its readers a reduced subscription fee AND giving away some of the latest music releases to every subscriber FREE!

• An annual subscription will cost just £43.11 with £30 worth of latest music releases FREE

• A six month subscription will be at the revised price of £31.74 with £15 worth of FREE music!

• A 3 month subscription will be at the highly affordable price of £17.37, with £10 worth of FREE new releases

Ridiculous isn’t it? Not only do you get a regular fix of 120 pages of top quality music reviews, previews, fashion profiles, interviews and lifestyle features at a price that won’t break the Christmas balance. Yes I know! We love you and treat you better than our own mothers! And they hate us for it! But we don’t even care!

Then before you know it, a freshly printed copy of Notion could be dropping down your chimney along with some sparkling new aural delights!


Notion magazine.

My Blog

Who the F**k? Nov 2006

Dust off your skinny jeans for the most exciting night in November - everyone knows fireworks night is rubbish - as Notion magazine presents ..Who the Fuck?.. on Thursday 16th November 2006 at SEOne c...
Posted by Who The F**k? on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:09:00 PST