100blumen profile picture


the floral annihilation starts now

About Me

Last week a good friend, Dan Fox, aka LOSS to those in the music community...
...literally lost everything he owned (as did his girlfriend) in an apartment building fire on Monday, May 19th. Luckily he and his girlfriend were not in their apartment as they were on vacation, and their cats were being looked after elsewhere, but all of their possessions, including all of Dan's gear for making Loss' incredible music, were destroyed.
Info on it is here: http://nrifirephotos.smugmug.com/gallery/4969099_8NmHg297571 577_nKXh7
source: http://www.smugmug.com/ & http://www.woonsocketcall.com
We wanted to make sure this was okay with Dan for us to do this (nobody wants to ask for help like this, and Dan's a quiet fella with a nice temper), hence why the information is coming out a week after the tragedy, but a group of us are trying to get the word out for anyone that may want to donate some money to Dan to help get him back on his feet.
Even a couple bucks from a couple generous souls adds up, so if you're able to give a little please do. Even if you don't know Dan there's a good chance you probably know someone who does, so look at it as helping a friend of a friend or a great musician. Hell, you know me, so that's hopefully enough.:)
So click that banner above and give what you like.
There's also an address for money orders to be sent as well.
I met Dan at several festivals and found him as a very kind and warm hearted person. I'm proud to call him a friend and hope you'll help spread the word about he and his girlfriend's devastating situation and help if you can.
Also, we're trying to collect gear for him as well, so if you're interested in seeing a list of what he lost (or at least part of it, as the list is at least a year or two old), please have a look at his myspace profile .
Thanks so much.
Kai S.K.E.T., Talvekoidik, S?Xonly
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rare tracks, released on 100blumen's le petit machiniste label and as very limited cd-rs.
buy it on emusic
buy it on itunes
ant zen act213
le petit machiniste
available as mp3 release on itunes
available as mp3 release on emusic
100blumen on snocap

My Interests


Member Since: 11/1/2006
Band Website: 100-blumen.de
Influences: antifascist action, rhythmnoise, punk rock, grindcore, ebm, crustpunk,
Sounds Like: ungewaschene füße
Record Label: ant zen, le petit machiniste
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

100blumen and friends @bassbeben

100blumen and friends @bassbeben    ...
Posted by 100blumen on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 06:50:00 PST

100blumen downloads on snocap

Posted by 100blumen on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 06:35:00 PST

in floriculture there is no law! out now!

new 100blumen cd "in floriculture there is no law!" ant zen act213 ..>..> ..> OUT NOW! 100blumen's roots are in guitar (punk, grindcore and metal). from the beginning his political stance was anti...
Posted by 100blumen on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:59:00 PST