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About Me

This is bboy shyno. i say bboy shyno, cause the first that i am is a Bboy. Bboying is my pasion. im dancing since about 2001. and with my friends we created Arcopom crew around 2003. we choosed arcopom as a funny spanish name, and we got good luck with it, so we will rock as arcopom forever =) i was born in granada, andalucia (south of spain) in 1986. i love my city and each time i get out of my country i try to represent it and represent that im spanish!haha españaaaa!Dance is Music made visible Peace

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bboy shyno Trailer 2008Bonus shynoBboy Shyno & Bgirl Eros (the best dancer couple ever jojojo)ARCOPOM TRAILER 2007/2008GRANADIANS FAMILYFINAL TOPROCK BATTLE (PROYECTO SURESTE MURCIA)

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