My goal in life is complete world domination. I am the antichrist. Rock on.
The interestin' folk.
Do you like American music? I like American music.
Movies that move you emotionally (NOT lovey dovey movies, but ones with believable characters struggling with the ups and downs of life) OR movies filled with wit, good humor, and clever quips OR movies that are just plain out there.
For the most part I think television is evil, but there are a few shows that I do take pleasure in viewing...I love Seinfeld and The Daily Show...I also really like cartoons from Adult Swim and from old school Nickelodeon...there are others but those are the best...Oh the hilarity
Current read: The Rum Diary (Hunter S.)and The Leviathan (Hobbes) Updated List of the Last Books I've Read: The Prince (Machiavelli), Mandragola (Machiavelli), Civilization and its Discontents (Freud), The Genealogy of Morals (Nietzsche),The First and Second Discourses (Rousseau), A Happy Death (Albert Camus) and Defying Hitler (Sebastian Heffner), The Pump House Gang (Tom Wolfe), The Plague (Albert Camus), Venus in Furs (Leopold von Sacher-Masoch),One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (Ken Kesey), The Politics (Aristotle), The Republic (Plato), How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale (Jenna Jameson), My Horizontal Life (Chelsea Handler), The Wanting Seed (Anthony Burgess), The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown), A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess) ,Hot Water Music (Charles Bukowski) , Bella Dejour (A prostitute book...very funny) ,Memoirs of a Geisha (Arthur Golden)
My new fish Louis XIV because his vacuously vain behavior has instilled a resurgence of superficial motives that has propelled my ethos into a preponderousness unknown by any other individual.