Vocalist Jason Clark was born in small town Newland, North Carolina.Growing up in a small town, Jason had little to do and little idea what he wanted until he bought his first album.At the time he had no clue that that album (Pearl Jam-Ten) would open a whole new door in that small town.He became captivated and inspired by this new path in life opened by Pearl Jam,Guns & Roses,U2,Led Zeppelin, and many more rock groups he began to discover.This new path truly began with a few childhood friends and a high school rock show with his new band "Unknown Soul".Despite being known as extremely shy kid growing up,Jason really began to open up when he stepped on stage and decided that this would become a life long path instead of a off and on hobby.When Unknown Soul decided to call it quits Jason knew he had to try something different so he packed up and moved to Atlanta,GA.He enrolled into Atlanta Institute of Music and moved in with guitarist Kyle Larson who became "the new" Unknown Soul guitarist.Within the next 3 years Jason and Unknown Soul has played hundreds of shows and became one of the better known local acts in Atlanta.In March '06 he was asked to step down as the vocalist for Unknown Soul and decided to keep pursuing his dream as a musician.So now he starts on his own as a solo artist with a new hope and a new direction Jason keeps that same door open with hopes of finding his niche in the music industry and maybe himself along the way.