i Like lisTeniNg t0 muSic.., i liKe writin' inspiRati0naL s0ngs, st0ries and p0ems!!! aNd the rest of mY time.., i spend in the c0mpUter.., it's either i'm cHeckiN mY acc0unt here in mysPaCe 0r fRiendsTer.., uH.., i gUess thaT's it..
no bitches allowed!!!yeah ryte.. posers are not allowed also!!! go away! ur same as bitches!!! wahahahaha.. i'm a demon in disguise!!
emo byotch! wahahaha.. just kiddin'.. kamikazee.. urbandub.. yellowcard.. sandwich.. slipknot.. .. incubus..nirvana..nickelback..PNE..simple plan..codplay..all-american rejects..system of a down..3 d0ors d0wn..wheatus..avril lavignejuana..
wHite chix.., h0t chicK.., princess diaRies 1&2.., bring it 0n 1&2[din't liKe d 3rd 0ne].., mean gUrLs[s0 fetch].., teEnAge sUpeRsTar.., fReaKy fRidaY.., tr0y!!.., mR. & mRs. sMith.., sCarry m0vie 1 2 & 3.., bRuCe aLmightY.., u g0t seRved.., jh0nny engLish.., sp0ngeb0b the m0vie.., kiLL biLL.., resident evil.., the ring.., uh.., that's aLL, i guess..
friends.. SOUTH PARK! NO.1!!!!
whatever..blah..blah..blah...magz are cool..