Cliffs of Fall has not even played a show yet, but there are plenty of stupid people on the internet who think that crappy recordings mastered by some drunk guy in Bates’ dad’s shop are good enough to review the band. So we’ll leave you with their words:
“Cliffs of Fall? Moar like Cliffs of Fag, amirite?†- PanteraFan69
“Epic suckage core!†– Grendthel the Chicken Chaser.
“I look forward to seeing your rep go to shit!†– Branson Bronder.
“This doesn’t sound anything like Tool.†– A fat guy balancing a bowl of soup on his gut.
“This shit sounds like Elvish Metal. I’m going to burn your house down and put a polar bear in your bathtub†– D-ROC.
“Frightful, sheer, no man fathomed†– Gerard Manley Hopkins.