Halètements, cris, soupirs, elle cherche en vain le paradis perdu. Spectatrice du monde moderne, observant les hommes qui l’entourent, Maxence a accouché d’une musique pop-électro, aux sonorités parfois inquiétantes. Sensuelle, bestiale mais aussi fuyante, cet ange maléfique vous invite dans son monde éclectique et mystérieux…
N’ayez pas peur, si vous n’y croyez pas, l’univers de Maxence n’existe pas. Pour les plus courageux, poussez la porte du Jardin d’Eden, vous n’en reviendrez pas…
Maxence is born of the entrails of the earth, she only comes out at night to find inspiration... An enchanted forest, talking trees, gargoyles...the cracking of branches guide her steps. Her music is the city of dreams and childhood fantasies, its here, far from the city, that the monsters and fairies inspire her melodies, transmit their languages. She rewrites all the strange sounds by the breath of her accordion.
Weak breaths, cries, sighs of desperation, she searches in vain for her lost paradise. She watches the modern world around her, the mankind of today that surround her, Maxence has created a sound at times disturbing, but sensual, animalistic and fleeting, this dark angel invites you into her world of mysterious puzzles...
Don't be afraid, if you don't believe it, the world of Maxence doesn't exist. For the more courageous, push open the doors of the Garden of Eden...you won't ever come back.