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OK so we are the SEXY SIXTH FORMERS!!! and we comprise of...
Jess: blonde hair... Sophie: browny ginger hair... Emily: Brown hair (and short!!!)... Laura: Brown hair (and skinny!!!)
Jess: HIII!!!! i'm jess, the blonde one and i rock! I have a boyfriend and he is the best thing in the world! I love having fun with my mates and takin loads of foto's so yes... * CAMERA WHORE!!! * and i love it... i'm not sum1 to not admit tht! I love capturing moments with friends its speshul! Oh and like you'll see emily say below... ppl who r 2 faced need to get a fuckin life... if u dnt wna get involved in things dnt post it for all to see... jeez... get ur life sorted!!! i love all my gyalz babiesss!!! ur damn smexi
Jess on Sophie: Sofi. well she is an amazing person, shes sooo full of smiles and she is my hyper buddy!!! your sooo kool, you cheer me up at school when i'm away from craigy!
Jess on Emily: Emaily. Well you are soooo funny to have economics with, you make my life jokes! MINI!!!! YELLOW CAR!!!! GOLD CAR!!!! you are now actually the only person i seem to see at skool as i'm with u for lyk evrything!!! gahhhh!!!!
Jess on Laura: Laura. You are a skinny biatch woman! but ur the best person to take fotos with coz u dnt care bout she-ite! You are soo funny and havin our yr 7 babies together is fun fun fun! spesh with our millie n lauren lool.
love you alll!!! ♥MWAH♥ We are gna make a calendar for 2007 so send in ur orders... and we will send u the larks we get up to!!loves to u all!!!
EmIlY!: yes yes its me da 1 hu ue bin w8n 4 lol da small 1!! n PROUD!! but dnt woryy i may b small but i make up 4 it in other areas ;) but yeaaa my lyf isss gr88 atmmmm coz mi m8s r da BEST 2 mny 2 name but u no hu u r :D n cldnt live witout uuuu!! neway i love takin fotos altho dey dnt always love me lool but heyhooo NOT BOFADDD LOOL!!! LOVE EVERY1 I NO LOL XxXxXxXxXxX
EmIlY On SeXc SoFi: well well well ive known dis girl 4 most of my life n seriously wldnt b able 2 cope witout herrr shes always der 2 givee gdd advicee spesh wen it cums 2 men! n ill ALWAYS b ere 4 uuuu!! nearly 12yrs its bin since i 1st met ya n weve ad sooo manyyy memoriess datt will take like twenty years 2 write down i no ders gns b many moree 2 cummm I LOVE YOU MY DAMN SEXY GIRL SOFII XxXxXxXxxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX
EmIlY oN LaUrA: omg were 2 start wit dis girl we was neva really dat closee but recently we got well close n u r soooooo genuinlyyy lovely n we always ave nu moves 4 each ofaa init ;) lol!! omg u actally make me larf like all da time lol ma lil comedian intya!! lol just membad mathssss hahaha soz bit random but yeh neway girl ur 2 buff 4 ya own gd n i love ya so stay sexi love uuuuuuuuu XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX
EmIlY oN jEsS: well jess hammond if i saw u nemore times in da day i fink i wld b sick!! lol jks its ite reli! but yeh we ave gd old economics wit da elephant i can soo c us passin economics lol cnt u!! n yeh i fink my arm is soon 2 drop of if u hit me 4 ne more damn yellow cars lol!!! cor we do ave our giggles on da way 2 beths dnt we lol at least we will b supa toned by da end of da sixth form init lool!! newayyy dude love ya XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX
SOPHIE: well yea im the tall one lol! which i hate - im also the smiley :D. I never go anywhere without straightening my emo fringe lol! i've been playing the drums for over a year now! and totally love rock music - but i'll tolerate anything! lol!! i they are soooo phitt!!
my m8s mean so much the world to me - i have no idea what i would do without each and every one of them...they are all so great in their own ways! LOVE YOU ALL!!
SOPHIE on JESS: omg this girlie is soooo great - she is the best peron to go to when you need a hug - which i have done many times :D shes got such a great taste in music and we're going to see MCR ON THE 29TH MARCH - WOOOOOOP!!
SOPHIE on EMILY: jesus, ive known this girl for way ova half my life - how scary is that! lol! she is soooooo geart and dead funni! any time u need a random laugh - Emily's ur gal! lol! she is the TINY one - but the best things come in small packages right? lol!! SHES MA DAMN BUFF GALL EMILY!! who is the sexiesterester! looool!!
SOPHIE on LAURA: omg p.e last year was hte greatest thing ever! lol! and now we have media and textiles together woop! ur totally into fashion and far too skinny for your own good but ur gorge all the same!!
none of you ever change - trust me i will find out!! lol!! LOVE YOU ALL FOREVER AND EVER!! ♥x♥x♥x♥x♥x♥x&heart s;
LAURA; hey all im laura.. if you don't know by now im the 'skinny' one thats OBSESSED wit fashion!:D i like to think i'm friendly and caring and being around me would never be a dull moment. I hate people being sad so try my best to cheer them up:) I'm well open with things as EMILY and JESS should no loool ;) i love having a good time, parties n going out with my LOVELY m8s... as my year 7s say 'girls r foreva bois r wuteva' lmao...
LAURA ON JESS: welll jess jess jess.. last year my lesbian german bitch lol now shes my prefect buddy yay:) i can tell Jess anything and we have got well close which is so goood! Jess is lovely, she makes me laugh so much and even tho she ALWAYS bangs on about er bf its so cute:) shes also tooooo pretty for her own good.. bitch lol LOVE YOU
LAURA ON SOPHIE: OMG SOPHIEEE my hyperrrr budy:) i love this girl to BITS N PIECES shes so kind and shes ALWAYS there for you when you need to scream or cry.. or do crazy things hehe, we had PE together last year and trust me sophie ifit wasnt for you i would not be able to get thro the lesson lol. THNXU SOPHIE FOR ALWAYS BEING HERE
LAURA ON EMILY: omg emily m8 where to even start... im SO GLAD we've become so close coz we r sooo similar. I love tlkin to you about positions HAHA its so funny lmao, emily you r a felow boy maniac lmao. You have welll good taste in music and you're so kind n funni!!!
i love all of these girls so much!! and all the others:D thnxu all for being there. xxxxx
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