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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Well what can I say, I was born in T E X A S so I'm a country boy at heart

I was raised a military brat so I've lived everywhere else in the U.S from sunny San Diego, CA to Washington D.C. I miss San Diego like CRAZY... I'm a DIE HARD R E D S K I N S and L O N G H O R N S fan. I love traveling and meeting new people all around the world. I get along with damn near everyone. I don't care what color you are or what religion you beleive in. It doesn't matter if you're from high class heaven or the dirty slums or if you're punk, country, emo, rasta, preppy, gothic, retro, hippy, urban....whatever....Why restrict yourself to only knowing the people that live on the same street as you. I mean c'mon, there's like 6 billion + people in the world and you wanna have a social circle of 5 friends? I'm really outgoing and a bit of an adrenaline junkie, but still laid back and down to earth. So if it's snowboarding and hitting the clubs till the sun comes up or kicking back on the couch and making it a blockbuster night, either which way I'm down.
Anything else you wanna know just message me or you can catch me on Yahoo messenger:
My raver name is "SLIP"
Todd and Heather are my best friends (added by heather)
I can eat pizza all day
I think snowboarding rocks, even though I suck
I go damn near EVERYWHERE in my slippers
I don't like wearing underwear
I hardly ever drink, but when I do.......YEAH.....goodtimes
I'd give anything for a In N Out burger right now
I actually like chick flicks
I like eating cereal
I'll kick your ass on Xbox 360
At one point in my life I owned a dog, a cat, a rabbit, and a turtle
I have two younger brothers (11 and 12) and one younger sister (12)
I used to rock at Mario Brother's on the original nintendo
King Koopa used to kick my ass though
I learned how to surf in Hawaii
I have this weird fetish for vampires
I almost got arrested in mexico more than once
It takes ALOT to make me mad
I think skydiving is such a rush
Sometimes when I'm REALLY bored, I'll make funny faces at myself in the mirror
I dress for comfort, not to impress
I'm WAY too compassionate
I've never been a materialistic person and don't ever plan on it
Sometimes I bum it out with some sweats, a bag of Doritos and a dvd
Honesty and Loyalty are the two biggest traits I respect
I got chased by a goose when I was 3
I like taking long showers
I sleep naked
I'd live on the beach if I could
I've lived in 6 different states in the past 2 years
Tattoos and Piercings are a turn-on for me
I love to cook
Cook for ME
and I'll love you forever
I read books like I'm doing a life sentence with no parole
I once had to fight a dog cause I couldn't run from it
I love to travel and explore new places
I can never find my keys when I need them
I've never had an imaginary friend
I'm always having weird dreams about birds

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Anybody, I'm all about meeting new people. Anybody who's real and can hold a conversation about damn near anything. But if ur fake or full of drama don't bother. Life's too short to fill it with unnecessary stress.

-------------My Birthday-------------


When it comes to music I really like to listen to all sorts of different types like blues, rap/hip-hop, trance, rock, funk, pop, house, alternative, soul, punk, jazz, R&B, metal, reggae, classical, happy hardcore and yes even country. I can't really discriminate against any one type cause to hear an artist put his/her whole heart into a song.....well that's about as real as it gets.



I watch WAY too many movies to list them all, but I love the classics like:
The Sandlot
The Lost Boys
The Goonies
The Karate Kid
The Last Dragon
The Breakfast Club
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Blues Brothers
Teen Wolf
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
....and that's just to name a few


When I turn on the tube I'm usually watching funny shit like Family Guy, Futurama, Robot Chicken, The Simpsons..etc


I don't know. Superman was pretty cool, well, with the whole x-ray vision thing and all, then again Batman had that pimped out ride. But over all I think Scooby-Doo is my hero. I mean all this dude needs is a scooby snack and he's ready to do anything.

My Blog


Jealous feelings can apply to damn near all types of relationships. There's sibling rivalry where one sibling seems to receive more attention than the other. There's jealousy in the workplace ove...
Posted by SLIP on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 04:57:00 PST


so here i am at 4 am thinking about how funny life is. maybe it's the extreme lack of sleep that's making me think these thoughts but i've never realized how complex attracting the opposite sex can be...
Posted by SLIP on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


The mast majority of us have all said something along the lines of  "You're not listening to me! You never hear what I have to say! You never remember anything I tell you! All you ever do is yell...
Posted by SLIP on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


This past week I've seen more than a few couples fighting in public about all sorts of different subjects from not finding a good parking spot to the serious argument of cheating. My question is this:...
Posted by SLIP on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST