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Menn Ársins

About Me

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Icelandic pop/rock band Menn Ársins (e.: Men of the Year) was founded three years ago by singer/guitarist Sváfnir and keyboard player/singer Halli (Haraldur Vignir). Their main goal in the beginning was to work on a few songs that Sváfnir had up his sleeve and wanted to work on.
Recordings were made and few of the songs got some considerable airplay on the national radio station. The band went through some personal changes (mostly changing bass players) until electric bassist Sigurdór Guðmundsson joined them in late 2006. Drummer Diddi (Kjartan Guðnason) had been onboard from the early days of the band.
In 2007 the band started to work on some more songs with all the members chipping in on the songwriting. After an intensive rehearsal period in the fall of 2007 they locked themselves away at Lundgaard Studios in Denmark and recorded 12 tracks for their debut album (released on their own label in September 2008).
The music of Menn Ársins does not easily fall into one category. All members are active musicians and have played in most styles of music. Haraldur has been with (grunge) rockers Dead Sea Apple for over a decade and is also composing and arranging in classical settings as well as composing for commercials. Drummer Diddi has played (for instance) with (Balkan folk sensation) Rússíbanar, rockers Ske and modern classical ensembles Ísafold Chamber Orchestra and Caput. Bassist Sigurdór comes from a funk and jazz background but with strong roots in rock and pop music. Sváfnir is firmly rooted in the singer/songwriter (troubadour) tradition with some punk and new wave as an early influence as well.
So it’s easy to say that Menn Ársins have a big palette of influences and experiences to choose from and add to their musical musings. But at the core their music is melodic pop/rock with arrangements ranging from string laden ballads and horn driven grooves to stripped down up-tempo rocking out!
Menn Ársins are:
Haraldur Vignir Sveinbjörnsson - keyboard, guitar, vocals
Kjartan “Diddi” Guðnason – drums and percussion, background vocals
Sigurdór Guðmundsson – electric bass
Sváfnir Sigurðarson – vocals, guitar

My Interests


Member Since: 31/10/2006
Band Members:

Sváfnir Sigurðarson - söngur og gítar

Haraldur Vignir Sveinbjörnsson - hljómborð og söngur

Sigurdór Guðmundsson - rafbassi

Kjartan Guðnason - trommur og söngur

Menn Ársins @

Sounds Like: Listen to how calculates our "similar artists"

Listen to some of the songs we have covered in the past: (press play)

Record Label: Menn ársins ehf
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this video: Þögnin heyrir allt - Menn Ársins - Live @ Iðnó 2009

Check out this video: Þögnin heyrir allt - Menn Ársins - Live @ Iðnó 2009 Video performance from our release concert last January. Song called "Þögnin heyrir allt" or The Silence H...
Posted by on Wed, 20 May 2009 17:34:00 GMT

Augun opnast - album version (mastered)

We finally put the final mastered album version of the song Augun Opnast with the video. So now you can enjoy this excellent (in our humble opinion) video with the best sound we can offer! Cheers!Chec...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 18:26:00 GMT

Menn Ársins - Allt að gerast (Live @ Iðnó, Reykjavík, Iceland. January 2... Menn Ársins - Allt að gerast (Live @ Iðnó, Reykjavík, Iceland. January 24th 2009)Gunnar Hilmarsson - electric guitar.Haraldur V Sveinbjörnsson -...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Feb 2009 12:34:00 GMT

ÚTGÁFUTÓNLEIKAR - Menn Ársins - 24. janúar kl. 21:00 í Iðnó

 ÚTGÁFUTÓNLEIKAR. Í tilefni af útgáfu sinnar fyrstu plötu heldur hljómsveitin Menn Ársins glæsilega útgáfutónleika í Iðnó, laugardaginn 24. janúar. Fjöldi hljóðfæraleikara, strengjasveit, blásarar...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 17:31:00 GMT

Menn Ársins - Menn Ársinsónlist .is - Öll Íslensk tónlist á einum stað.
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 18:30:00 GMT

Menn Ársins (blogpost from Etnobofin in UK)'s a lot of bad news coming out of Iceland at the moment. So, in an attempt to warm the suddenly frosty relations between the UK and Icelandic governments...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 14:40:00 GMT

Menn Ársins - Platan er komin út og er plata vikunnar á Rás 2 !

Mánudaginn 29. September 2008 kemur út fyrsta hljómplata hljómsveitarinnar Menn Ársins.Platan er einnig plata vikunar á Rás 2 í viku 40 (28. Sept. -5. Okt.)Platan var að mestu hljóðrituð í Lundgaard S...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 00:50:00 GMT

NEW SINGLE - 12 Steps to the Liquor Store. (Info and wiki journal)

Listen to the song: 12 Steps to the Liquor Store or+Store/+wiki H.C. Erbs in the studio @ Lundgaard, Denmark. "The origin of this song, 1...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 14:19:00 GMT

Check out this video: Augun Opnast

Check out this video: Augun Opnast Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 18:42:00 GMT

Kynningartónleikar á Domo Bar - Promo @ Domo Bar.

Hosted By: Menn Ársins When: 30 Oct 2007, 21:00Where: Domo BarÞingholtsstræti 5Reykjavík, IcelandDescription:Menn Ársins Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 09:21:00 GMT