I am that odd and crazy person who'll dance when there's no music. I am me. I'm not you. I'm not some prep who's obsessed with make-up and with my hair. I'm not a punk who has to dress in black and chains everyday. I'll occasionally wear pink. A skirt if I feel daring. Heels if I'm hyper enough, even if they'll hurt my feet. I have a boyfriend now, who's amazing and very sweet. I want people to slap me if I ever get OBSESSED with my boyfriend when I have one. Couples seem to be in their own little world, leaving the single friends behind. Ahem! You know who you are. Well, if you don't, now you do. If you even bother to read this, which you won't. It's not fair. I don't want to turn into them. And now that we've graduated life is going by so fast.
Life is a never-ending story of drama and happiness, intermixed. You're high with the ecstasy of finally getting what you want, and then it's snatched away. Something's gone and you finally realize how wonderful it was when you had it. Life isn't fair, I've learned that. I do have amazing friends though, and with the ones that there's drama, I do appreciate you and care for you, I just wish you could share the same about me and life could be easier. But it's not. It's life.
This long journey is going to be very difficult, but if any of my friends need me, new or old, I will be there for you. I'm only a call away, even if you're on the other side of the world. I promise. That's one of the things I'm truly good at.
One more thing:
Don't judge me by how I look, that's not fair. First impressions aren't everything.
And this stupid thing won't space the words how I want, which makes me depressed.
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Trotter Track arena - Flash Game
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