11/2009 Check out Shortcomings!!!
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Hello people! I'm Aku Konttinen originally from Kotka, South Eastern Finland (with roots in Carelia and Savonia) and just returned home after living a couple of years in and around Helsinki. I started writing rhymes and recording them on c-casettes back in 1997 when I was 10 years old. Years passed and I went through different stages of my musical evolution. I learned to use simple software which I used to make beats with. Later I met people who became my closest friends and their expertise and equipment gave me a push and I dropped making crappy beats and focused on evolving as an MC. I'd always written my songs in English but I wanted to take on another challenge and little by little I also started writing lyrics in my mother tongue, Finnish. During these years I've made some embarrassingly bad choices and some people always remeber them. But you learn from your mistakes and I'm still working to put out an album in the future. I rap under the alias of Lost Emissary and my Finnish language side-project is Akura.
My past projects include being part of a group called Five Stars from 2002 to 2004 (when we decided to move on to new projects). Five Stars was a bilingual group where Don P and Jam rapped mostly in Finnish while Eies and I performed in English. Vinnie Prima was our beatmaker together with Don P.
I've also been featured on a couple of albums by Finnish indie-rappers and my ongoing collaboration projects include warmhearted and humoristic acts like PPK-Räppiposse and Losti & Kosti.
Olen siis Aku Konttinen Kotkasta ja palasin juuri parin maailmalla (PK-seutu) vietetyn vuoden jälkeen. Olen räpeltänyt musiikkia maan alla jo vuosia niin englanniksi kuin suomeksikin. Englanninkielinen aliakseni on siis Lost Emissary ja suomeksi vähemmin tunnettu Akura. Aikomuksenani on pistää ulos jonkinlainen julkaisu vielä jossain vaiheessa elämääni.
For a new song (11/2009) check the MP3 player above this chunk of meaningless text.