Life and human beeing in all their complexities!.
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PFFF!!. Anything that rocks me...from Barbara to Bjork.
So many...but for sure, i love all the Bunuel, Fellini, Franju, Clouzot, Tourneur, Pasolini, Fassbinder, Ford, Kubrick, Cassavetes, Russel, Lynch, De Palma, Burton, Scorsese, Cronenberg, Jarmuch, Ferrara, Carpenter, Craven, Friedkin, Roméro, Zwigoff, Korine, Haneke, Von Trier, Almodovar, Allen, Altman, Haynes, PT Anderson, Inaritu, del Toro, Coïxet, Losey, Frears, Leigh, Loach, Gilliam, Kerrigan, Blier, Chabrol, Pialat, Tavernier, Denis, Chereau, Desplechin, Assayas, Audiard(fils), Téchiné, Kechiche, Breillat, Labrune, Kollek, Miike, Pan Chan Wok, Campion...'s movies!!! And many others...
Too little to even have to choose! But i like: Nip/tuck, Six feet under and Dr House.
Non exhaustive list in disorder: K Dick, Grass, Corneille, Nobokov, Stendhal, Goethe, Maier, Joyce, Poe, Woolf, Céline, Tolstoï, Appolinaire, Borrough, Dostoïevsky, Roth, Nietche, Vian, Carver, Bataille, Genet, Hemingway, Hugo, Tolkien, Aragon, Cohen, Balzac, London, Despentes, Sartre, Racine, Blake, Laclos, Sweig, Kundera, Suskind, Baudelaire, Rushdie, Duras, Irving, Schnitzler, Lorca, Thompson, Nothomb, Ellroy, Wolf, Easton-Ellis ....
Some people i met but without any super power!