Lilith Duo mêle avec grâce des textes en français soutenus par des mélodies élaborées, à des improvisations souvent très libres et
expressives. Les textes, comme les envolées improvisées, sont tour à tour teintés de violence provocante ou de douceur lyrique.De la singularité
du son de ce duo jaillit une intimité parfois dérangeante, et le parfait accord qui lie ces deux musiciens hypnotise ceux qui s'y laissent prendre.
Article paru dans la Voix du Nord (12/11/06) :
"Lilith Duo, ou l’art de bousculer les esprits.
On aime ou on n’aime pas, mais on ne reste pas indifférent. Lilith Duo a bousculé les esprits ce jeudi à l’Hospice d’Havré...
Avant que le récital de Lilith Duo ne débute, le ton est donné. Arnaud Becaus joue du piano assis, la tête basse, perdu qu’il est dans son univers musical. Isabelle Calvo chante debout, les pieds nus, vêtue d’une robe de mariée,
« petite puce ». Mais la « petite puce » a mangé du lion et devant un public, hélas, très rare, Lilith Duo a offert un concert de haute qualité. Il était facile de penser qu’en petit comité, les artistes auraient mis la pédale douce, il
n’en fut rien. Isabelle et Arnaud ont fait comme s’il y avait cinq mille personnes devant eux. Un jazz solide, quelque peu déjanté mais très incisif. Toutes les chansons sont de la composition du couple sauf la reprise très délirante d’un succès d’Eurythmics et « l’Internationale », chantée en hommage à la marraine d’Isabelle qui vient de Russie.
Les amateurs de bon jazz ou de performances vocales regretteront
certainement d’avoir manqué cet excellent concert."
Article paru dans JAZZHOT n°635 (décembre2006) :
Laissons-les se présenter eux-mêmes ces deux provocateurs de talent[...] Pas de doute ils sont épris de "liberté et révoltés" et l'esprit du jazz et bien en eux, si par jazz on n'entend pas seulement musique afro-américaine. En tout cas, ce sont des artistes. Leur manière de saborder "Sweet Dreams" ou "L'internationale" ou encore "Pensionnsaires", de Verlaine, que le grand Ferré avait mis en musique, cela m'enchante[...]
Lilith Duo, on aimerait les voir en vrai, je pense que ça doit déménager sur scène, car ce sont des natures. Michel Bedin
Article paru dans à l'occasion de la sortie du premier albumEnglish Version
About usThe Lilith Duo gracefully blends melodic French lyrics with very free, expressive improvisation. Their lyrics and flights of improvisation are tinted either by a provocative intensity or a poetic softness. Surging from the unique sound produced by this duo is a sometimes disturbing intimacy, and the perfect harmony between these two musicians will hypnotise those who let themselves fall under the spell.
Article from La Voix du Nord (12/11/06)« The Lilith Duo: the art of stirring the mind. You love them or you hate them, but you can’t stay indifferent. The Lilith Duo unsettled the audience this Thursday at their concert at the ‘Hospice d’Havré’. Even before the recital started the tone was set. Arnaud Becaus seated, playing his piano, head lowered, lost in his own musical universe. Isabelle Calvo singing, upright, barefoot, dressed in a wedding gown, like a little flea. But the little flea had eaten a lion and in front of a disappointingly small audience, the Lilith Duo gave a high quality performance. It would be easy to assume that, due to the small turnout, the artists would have made less of an effort, but far from it, Isabelle and Arnaud performed as if there were five thousand people in front of them. Good solid jazz, slightly disjointed but very sharp. The couple had composed all the songs except for their crazy version of one of the Eurythmics’ successes and “l’Internationale†sung in honour of Isabelle’s godmother who comes from Russia. Lovers of good jazz and vocal performances will certainly regret missing this excellent concert.â€
Article from JAZZHOT N° 635 (December 2006)Let’s allow these two talented ‘provocateurs’ to introduce themselves. There’s no doubt about it, they are passionate about “freedom and rebellion†and their sense of jazz is innate, if, that is, by jazz you don’t just mean Afro-American music. In any case, these are true artists. I am enchanted by the way they turn “Sweet Dreamsâ€, “L’Internationale†or Verlaine’s “Pensionnairesâ€, put to music by the great Léo Ferré on the head.
We would like to see The Lilith Duo live, being such forceful personalities, they must give a dynamic stage performance.
Michel Bedin
Article from at the launch of their first albumIsabelle Calvo: Vocals – tormented and moving. Arnaud Becaus: Piano - jazzy and contemporary…. These two musicians from Lille marry songs in the style of Elise Caron with less restricted passages …quite delightful!
Article from the “compacts online†supplement JAZZHOT N° 618The Lilith Duo consists of a singer, who also plays the flute, and a pianist. Rather than “singer†I should have written “character†as her voice is not especially that of a singer. This character, (as demonstrated by the photos in the booklet) is energetic and fit and has a pleasing sense of provocation. Her name is Isabelle Calvo and she has written all the lyrics as well as the music for three of the songs. The music is more Erik Satie than McCoy Tyner. The lyrics are promising. This is not jazz so I shouldn’t really have written an article about this CD, but their audacity deserves to be rewarded. Michel Bedin
Article from the magazine Lille Metropole Info (December 2006)Isabelle Calvo sings, Arnaud Becaus accompanies her on the piano. They explore with determination a place, where even nowadays, at least in French music, few dare to venture. Again, on the cover of their second CD ‘Mater’ we see ‘songs and improvisation’. A challenging formula, for sure, but the best definition of this hedonistic couple’s work. For them pleasure is clearly the driving force behind their creation. Isabelle Calvo sings as we’ve already said, she sings admirably well, even when her voice responds to irresistible, repeated calls for improvisation. Some would have great difficulty in classifying this CD for their record collection, does it really matter? The duo find this funny, in the words of one of their songs: “they say I’m not a jazz singer, still, I know the basics, I’m a real whinger. When the lyrics don’t come from poems, by Verlaine for example, they are written by Isabelle Calvo. The Lilith Duo is surprising and talented.
Article from the Voix du Nord 10/05/2007Other slightly « on the edge » creators, the Lilith Duo, with Songs and Improvisation. A slightly provocative CD cover for this piano / vocals duo and the lyrics aren’t for all ears: here’s something new. This duo certainly don’t leave us indifferent, especially when seen live. Some will say this isn’t jazz, but are they right?