Me??... I try to remain 'me' at all times. Tha people in my life make me who I am, had sum bad, got sum gud, they all taught me what I know.
Musics in my blood thanx to tha family I was born in to, music & family are so important to me.
I LOVE dancing- it has introduced to me to so many inspiring people. I've been lucky enough to dance with Inspyad (love those guys) and heeeaaay to my current crew 7 B LO (we goin way past quater to 3 hehe)I also dance for tha Crusaders Cheerlearers - done that 4 a couple of years now, kinda fun : )
I have a stunning sis (Summer) whos total opposite to me but balances me out. My 2 closest cousins 10Aciouss & Simone - such gifted/humble people (look out world). Anotha girl I like 2 call my sis (Jess in Wellingtown) a true example to me of strength, courage & gud times. And last but not least a handsome boyfriend. His names Junior, he makes me so happy & I admire him heaps.
But yea... dats my life story. Sowie 4 draggin it out guys, didnt know everyday could be so excitingCute Myspace Layouts