Enve..on the road less Traveled from Enve Oner on Vimeo .Enjoy the next video fromthe pintura project in orlando:
MIA@Orlando from JessWeos on Vimeo .
"None are more HOPELESSLY ENSLAVED than those who falsely believe they are free"-Goethe--"The whole system we live in drills into us that we're powerless, we're weak, that our society is evil, that its fragile, and so forth....It's all a BIG LIE, we are powerful, and beautiful and extraordinary, there is no reason we cannot understand who we truly are, and where we're going, there is no reason the average individual cannot be fully empowered, we are incredibly powerful beings..." I was born in SOuth Florida grew up near the ocean, it influences everyhting I do, I paint, draw,illustrate,graffiti,write and investigate everything around me...