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Myspace Layouts at / Playboy Bunny
Myspace Layouts at / Playboy Bunny
luv to daNcE 2 da GROOVE..can DefinitELy siNg..but my interest is focused to my OnE aND OnLY ANGEL....MIKHAIL!!!!!!!
one of my most favorite movie was DIRTY DANCING basta i love watching it again and again and again....i'm also a leonardo di'caprio fanatic so i've watched all his movies..on my fave list also are GREAT EXPECTATIONS,CITY OF ANGELS,UNTAMED HEART and definitely ROMEO AND JULIET..i usually watch lovestories with a bit of sad endings.
i LuV WaTCHiNG ReaLiTY SHoWs..LiKe DaTe My MoM, PRoJeCT RuNWaY, aMeRiCa'S NeXT ToP MoDeL..MiaMi iNK and a LoT MoRe iT MaKeS Me FeeL iNCLuDeD oN THaT SHoWS..LoL c",)
BeFoRe i uSeD To ReaD LoT oF BooKS LiKe SWeeT VaLLeY..eVeN SHoRT SToRieS..BuT NoW NaH...
SPIDERMAN coz my kid luvs him!