Q{Take'n a stand against the Afgans} profile picture

Q{Take'n a stand against the Afgans}

If Gettin Moneys A Crime Then Im Guilty Bitch

About Me

Im a crazy almost 19 year old country boy from.....the country..duh....I joined the NAVY sept 26th and i Leave July 19th....i also like playing the guitar..hanging in bloomdale with my friends...Ballen wit Da Fam....Party'n with the NB Family at "The Base"....going to toledo and chillin with C Fifth n the Renegades...and i like blue popsicles....whoo hoo......yeah so u should add me as a friend b/c im fun to talk to n ill try n make u smile..........and ill give u a popsicle...but not a blue oneYahoo: murphy_20069 AOL: callmeq6913

Coty Shane

My Interests

Camera's, Movies, Music, Stacy, and yes Pink..y not

God's Little Instruction Booklet:

-Page 11-
-A true friend never gets in your way unless your going down-

-Page 15-
-Swallowing words before you say them is better than eating them after-

-Page 36-
-The most disapointed people in the world are those who get what is coming to them-

-Page 49-
-Devoting a little of yourself to everything means commiting a great deal of yourself to nothing-

-Page 51-
-The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention-

-Page 53-
-You can build a throne with bayonets, but you cant sit on it for long-

-Page 54-
-You cant fill an empty bucket with a dry well-

-Page 57-
-One reason why the dog has so many friends: he wags his tail instead of his tounge-

-Page 69-
-If the grass looks greener on the other side, you can bet the water bill is higher-

-Page 72-
-Love sees through a telescope, not a microscope-

-Page 83-
-Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous: you can knocked down by the traffic from both sides-

-Page 86-
-Tact is the art of making a point w/o making an enemy-

-Page 87-
-Be careful of yur thoughts: they may become words at ne moment-

-Page 90-
-Silence is the hardest argument to refute-

-Page 98-
-The trouble with stretching the truth is that its apt to snap back-

-Page 122-
-The first rule of holes is that when your in one....stop digging-

-Page 131-
-When you flee, temptations dont leave a forwarding address-

-Page 132-
-He who provides for this life, but takes no care for eternity, is wise for a moment, but a fool forever-

-Page 133-
-Moraltiy may keep you out of jail but it takes the blood of jesus christ to keep you out of hell-

-Page 136-
-At times it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if your a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt-

-Page 138-
-The man who sings his own praises gets the wrong pitch-

-Page 141-
-The past should be a springboard, not a hammock-

-Page 158-
-What is moral is what you feel good after-

-Reasons y I go to Bloomdale from A - Z
-A way to see my friends-
-Dave & Betsy-
-Em & Mike-
-Got nicknames?....need one-
-Has it really been this long....WOw-
-I Love Being There-
-Jakie Poo-
-KG and Kiri-
-Lack of North Baltimore-
-Memories & Mountain Dew-
-Nancy's Cooking!!-
-Open Backdoors-
-Pissy Missy-
-Quinten misses it-
-Roof Nights-
-To be with the Daliens-
-Very bored-
-Xero Ally-
-Y not?-
-Zach/Sebatian.....niglets are funny-
Ok so heres the story...there this lady. nicest lady you'll ever meet. her name is Diana Patterson. she was my next door neighbor when i moved to North Baltimore. apparently when i was young i was identicle to Dennis the Menace...so that was and is my nickname since i was in Kindergarden!!! The Best Fucking Drink in the entire Universe...Next to Mountain Dew Of course!!!! Wonder Woman with Spiderman India....whoop whoop.....long story...LOVE YA ASHLEY DANIELLE.....btw .....sorry bout the india spiderman but it was the only decent picture i could find of him
If youll be my Superwoman then ill be yur Kryptonite

I'd like to meet:

God... I LOVE Blue Popsicles!!This is What the Alphebet would look like if Q and R were illiminated;
TrojanBlue728 (12:59:51 AM): for all you know she could be her foreign exchange friend from yugoslovia with a unibrow, and a lazy eye, I mean I'll take a hit for the team, but I ain't taking a wrecking ball to the head for it
Jake's Info
So much for love, you spend your whole life looking for it, Only to die for it, it's irrational, how do you enjoy something you must die to recieve?
To see failure, is to set yurself up for failure.......Tyler Rayford ..~23~..
FatalFlaw7 (3:44:44 AM): shambles ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shmblz) pl.n. (used with a sing. verb)

A scene or condition of complete disorder or ruin: The economy was in a shambles (W. Bruce Lincoln). Great clutter or jumble; a total mess: made dinner and left the kitchen a shambles.I am gay

A place or scene of bloodshed or carnage. A scene or condition of great devastation

.. .. .."http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/s wflash.cab..version=6,0,0,0" width="550" height="525" id="draw" align="" ..


Any..I love it all


I Like every thing but musicals i guess


Josh Wright, C Fifth, Niki & Jen, Ashley, Laken, Sasha, Wim, Loey, Brooke, Brittany D, Brian Camden, The 6 Chicks, Adam, Chelsea & Liz, Maria, Uriah, Shane, Coty, Mike Em & Buddy, Wolfe, KG, Alex, My baby Stacy and my boo Jake

My Blog

Blue Popsicles

yeah i was def sick today!!!!!!! but its cool because they took me to the doctor....n she gave me a blue popsicle...
Posted by Q'stiffer McKitrick{It Could Be Worse} on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 03:14:00 PST


i have new pics on here people...leave comments...they make me feel special
Posted by Q'stiffer McKitrick{It Could Be Worse} on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i finally got of my ass and did somthing with this thing......i hope u like it....i put a whole 5 minutes into it...whoo hoo<<<< thats insain...
Posted by Q'stiffer McKitrick{It Could Be Worse} on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Hey people...i just wanna apologize for my...myspace b/c its very boring but the truth behind why is.....im lazy
Posted by Q'stiffer McKitrick{It Could Be Worse} on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


The Brave dont live forever, but the cautious dont live at all!
Posted by Q'stiffer McKitrick{It Could Be Worse} on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST