ReavaDiva profile picture


Love isn't Love until you've given it away.

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Woman of god

.. What's good Everyone. I know my page is different. I really don't know what the heck happened to it but I gotta do this thing all over again. I know, sucks right. Well, lets see, I am the sixth child born to John and Josepine Jackson. I share my birthday with my Beautiful twin sis Janice. I'm an aspiring writer and I completed my very first novel. Trying to get it published so if anybody know anybody that can help me, hook a sister up will ya? I love to sing and travel. I am a member of one of the baddest choirs in the Nation! None other than Malcolm Williams and Great Faith. Right now I live in Hammond, In with my wonderful husband and I am enjoying the life that God has given me. Well that's about it. If you wanna know more, hit me up. Be Blessed

My Interests

Writing, Reading, Singing, Traveling...


Gospel, some Neo Soul and I love 80's music


Harlem Nights, Friday and others I can't think of


CSI, the Simpsons, and almost all reality shows.


Through Thick and Thin (my very first novel)


My Dad
* The Good * The Bad * & The Rest * by uwishyoucould
Name?: Reava
Age?: 28
Height?: About 5'4
Weight?: Nunyo (as in None of yo buisness!)
Hair Color?: Black
Eye Color?: Brown
Piercings?: Ears
Tattoos?: No
Right or left handed?: Right
Shoe size?: 91/2 - 10 (yes I have a big a** foot)
What are you wearing right now?: Black and white top, black and white bottoms
What are you listening to right now?: The clicking of the computer keys
What are you feeling right now?: Bored
What are you eating/ drinking right now?: Nothing
How many siblings?: 6
Parents still together?: Yep. 43 years and counting baby
Is your family close?: ThisClose
Do you have a drunk uncle?: Probably
Do you have any nieces or nephews?: Quite a few
Color?: Black
Number?: 4
Food?: Chicken
Candy bar?: Snickers
Song?: Don't really have 1 right now
Show?: TV? Right now its Charm School
Band?: None
Animal?: None
Outfit?: What ever looks good
Radio Station?: V103
Movie?: Harlem Nights
Shoes?: Don't matter
Cartoon?: The Simpsons
Drink?: Water
Soda?: Sprite
Holiday?: Thanksgiving
Season?: Spring
Time of day?: 3:00. When I get off work
Perfume/Cologne?: Anything by Vera Wang
Bad word?: F**K
Phrase?: Kick Rocks
Website?: Yahoo
What size is your bed?: Full
What color sheets do you have?: Right now they are brownish, tanish
What color are the walls?: Cream
What color carpet do you have?: Brown
How many pillows?: 4
Do you have a TV in there?: Yes
Do you have an alarm clock?: Only on my cell phone
What do you usually sleep in?: Nothing
Do you sleep with any stuffed animals?: No
Share your room with anyone?: My husband
Are you a deep sleeper?: No
Do you snore?: I've been told I do, but I think they are all liars
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
Remember your first love?: Yes
Believe in soul mates?: Yes
Believe in love at first sight?: Depends on who you're looking at
How many people have you told you loved them?: A bunch
When you say you love someone do you always mean it?: Yes
How often do you like to have sex?: At least four times a week
Is sex a top priority?: Maybe like the 4th on the list
Can you live without sex?: No
How often do you get drunk and have wild and crazy sex with a stranger?: Only did that once. A long, long, long time ago.
How do you feel about one night stands?: If it happen, it happen
What's your favorite position?: Ask my husband
Have you ever watched porn?: Yes
Have you ever made porn?: No
Have ya ever had sex for money?: No
Sex at work?: No
Sex at school?: No
Are ya still gonna have sex at 70?: Pretty sure I am
Does size matter?: Yes
Have you ever faked an orgasm?: Yes
Asked a friend for relationship advice?: Yes
Had a friend steal a bf/gf?: No. Although I did ask my friend to hook me up with a guy once and out of nowhere she was dating him. That's why I don't have female friends now. They're tricks.
Dated your best friend's ex?: No
Have ya ever had sex in public?: Not really
Have you ever dated a teacher?: No
Have ya ever dated a boss?: No
Mooned anyone?: Yes
Been to a foreign country?: Yes
Broken a bone?: No
Gotten a speeding ticket?: All the f**king time! Damn speed limit!
Done jail time?: No
Stolen anything?: Yes
Been on TV?: Yes
Been on radio?: Yes
Been to a concert?: Yes
Been in a mosh pit?: No
Broken the law?: Yes
Swallowed a tooth, cap, or filling?: No
Gotten into a fist fight?: Yes
Laughed so hard you pissed yourself?: Yes
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Been to a rodeo?: No
Been on a talkshow?: Does being in the audience of Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones count?
Been on a gameshow?: No. But I would really like to. I'm very good at them.
Been on an airplane?: Yes
Gone skydiving?: Hell naw!
Been on a firetruck?: No
Been so drunk you didn't know your name?: No
Smoked?: Yes
Drank?: Yes
Had your tonsils out?: No
Gone to camp?: Yes
Been on a roller coaster?: Yes
Been in the ocean?: Does being on a cruise count?
Carried a weapon?: A pocket knife
Done drugs?: NO
Coffee or tea?: Neither
Doughnuts or bagels?: Bagels
Heaven or hell?: Heaven. I'm going, wanna come? Ask me how.
Day or night?: Night
Rain or snow?: Neither
Make love or have sex?: A combination of both works well for me. Thanks
Hamburgers or hot dogs?: Cheeseburgers
Rap or rock?: Niether
Swiss or American cheese?: American
Silver or gold?: Both
Sweet or sour?: Both
Winter or summer?: Summer
Cd's or tapes?: Cd's
Backrub or foot massage?: Foot massage
Pens or pencils?: Pens
Letters or email?: Email
Ford or Chevy?: Chevy
Radio or TV?: TV
Candles or incense?: Candles
Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla
Shower or bath?: Shower
Harleys or crotch rockets?: Neither
Love or money?: Both
Single or group dates?: Single
To call you?: My sister Crystal
You called?: My Honey
To IM you?: Can't remember
Email you?: Tifaney
You hung out with?: My family
Last person you kissed?: My Honey
Last person you told you loved?: My Honey
Last person to piss you off?: My Honey
Last person to make you laugh?: My Honey
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