Yá'át'ééh shek'éà dóó shidine'é dóó a£tah áásii£ dóó a£tah áá£kágà - Azdáá NáálÃnà yinishyé. Haltsoià nish£Ã. Tó AheedlÃinii báshÃshchÃÃn. Ni'hoobaanii dashicheii. Kin Yaa'áanii dashinálÃ. NáálÃnÃdéé' naashá. Sooléh nitsaago hahoodzohdi shinaanish bekéé' naazhá. Dibé Ntsaa náhookos biláahdi a£do' táhnÃdÃshdaah. Tsoodzi£ E'e'aahjigo a£dó' shighan.
I'm a very loving, caring, and outgoing person. I have over come many obstacles. I'm self dependent. A solid foundation is what i need in life to be self dependent. I have three older brothers, me, one young sister, and two younger brothers. Born and raised in Waterfalls, NM. I have two beautiful children (Son & Otter). They are my life. I live both worlds (Then) and "Now". I love ME and who I am today. I work hard for everything i get and that i have in life right now. I'm just plain ME; an ordinary woman. I'm not high maintenance. I'm just me! I love meeting new people from all over the world. I enjoy being with my son and daughter, close friends, and family. I enjoy traveling, hiking, biking, rafting, flying, camping, fishing, going to rodeos, and team roping with/to support family, when I/we have the time. I am an outdoors person. I enjoy going to clubs in different cities and hanging out with people I meet and friends. My mistakes are mine not yours. What I do is my business!