I know they're an obvious target but I HATE VEGANS!!Little pissy mouthed Jack Skellington figurine people living off of bark and twigs and dirt and bitching about those of us who like a good solid meal, who know that you CANNOT make a decent cake without eggs and butter!!Normally, I would say vegans should be EATEN!! But shit, look at em!! What little meat is on their bones is probably too tough to be edible and I hate them that much more for that!!!!I hate that they try to steer me away from a good slice of sizzling bacon by showing me a video of pigs being tortured. Like I fuckin care!!I hate that they think I'm a coward because I don't hunt my own food...HELLO DUMBSHIT! I LIVE IN THE GODDAMN CITY!! Haven't seen any elk wandering around in the last five years I've lived here so shut your little vegan mouth and go munch on some nice fresh potting soil okay? Better yet, since you want to save the earth so much, go throw yourself into a composting machine since that's all you're useful for!!Cocinero por vida!
Myspace.com Blogs - VOTE for LBU on King5 Best of Western Washington - THE LADYBIRD UNITION MyS http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog....
please vote for my brothers band, or i will kill you.