Joey Ramone - meet you on the other side - GABBA GABBA HEY!.... and HENDRIX. on that train...who else? in the here and now: other karmic arsonists, NY area poi ppl, anyone with a heart for seva, dharma punx, freaks, geeks and Gurus, seers, sages, moths, mermaids, pacifists, healers, justice seekers, peacemakers and those doing the best they can amidst these times not currently at peace, people who are not afraid to be real and those who believe in making art from truth. anyone who has ever lived at or does live now at the Chelsea Hotel........ me - trying to find myself - i actually know myself pretty well, just cant seem to figure out where i am right now. (the mehndi on my body was done by Henna By Michelle - see my friends list below) i have been working on doing it in ink with Chops from Hold Fast Tattoo (also below) in Brooklyn all winter, AND HERE ARE THE LONG AWAITED PHOTOSthe inspiration of the particular imagery is from 30 years of collecting Blue Danube china and my recent total removal from personal - artist / homeowner - life to live on an ashram these past 2 years to spiritually heal my body.