Boudicca is:. The quintessential, multicultural, fantasy dance party band. A hot pot of Arabic rhythms, haunting Celtic melodies, and good ol American rock, it's a sound like no other. MIx it up with amazing bellydance, a flair for exotic costuming, and a sense of play that no other modern world fusion band provides, you'll never forget a show..Boudicca is... A phenomenon; a spectacle that brings together the best of a diverse community, attracting guitar rock fans, bellydancers, period re-inactors, pagans, Middle Eastern and Celtic music fans, composers, and regular Joes....For Booking, Merchandising, and other info contact:
Crowzar Productions: Boudicca
707-586-7944 Office
707-321-5158 Cell
E-mail Us
Check out the official Boudicca Website
Lots of free pictures, wallpapers, a huge forum etc.