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About Me

i. am. katherine.
and i LOVE life.
don't call me katie.
in my opinion, im really annoying. but people still seem to like me, so its all good.
i do not regret anything. every single experience has made me who i am.
i do not pretend or attempt to be anything i am not.
i do things that i think are normal and other people think are weird and random.
i love my imagination. but sometimes it gets the better of me: i imagine things that are really surreal and i think they're actually happening. this is frequently an unpleasant (but thankfully short) experience.
i like to think i am open-minded. and i try really really hard not to judge people.
I LIVE FOR MUSIC. i cant cope without it. any music.
except the kaiser chiefs.
i love dancing, even though i can't.
"He danced before the Lord with all his might... 'I'll become even more undignified than this.'"
i love the world: it is perfect and beautiful. far too perfect and beautiful to have been created by chance.
i love trees.
i currently own 59. one is a bay tree called jack. one is a bonsai tree called morris. the rest are in africa and india.
yes i DO hug trees. i love them.
this is jack.
standing in heavy rain, feeling it pound and freeze my face, makes me feel so amazing i want to dance. so i do. lightning makes it even better.
most importantly i'm a Christian and love my God. you cannot dissuade me from this. He's saved my life. countless times.
P.O.D. - Alive Everyday is a new day
I’m thankful for every breath I take
I won’t take it for granted
So I learn from my mistakes
It’s beyond my control, sometimes it’s best to let go
Whatever happens in this lifetime
So I trust in love
You have given me peace of mind
I feel so alive for the very first time
I can’t deny you
I feel so alive
I feel so alive for the very first time
And I think I can fly
Sunshine upon my face
A new song for me to sing
Tell the world how I feel inside
Even though it might cost me everything
Now that I know this, so beyond, I can’t hold this
I can never turn my back away
Now that I’ve seen you
I can never look away
Now that I know you, I could never turn my back away
Now that I see you, I could never look away
Now that I know you, I could never turn my back away
Now that I see you, I believe no matter what they say
edward monkton - he speaks the truth

adopt your own virtual pet!
aint he cute?
josh dies of showbread interview

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damn those guys make me laugh. showbread are amazing.

My Interests

anything to do with music (playing it, listening to it... live music - i spose that could come under watching music, but then that would imply that i just sit there staring at sheet music. which would only be fun if you were on shrooms or something).

i also like art, photography, playing with fire (it's captivating).

saving snails and spiders, coz no-one likes them and they want to kill them. i don't know why. other insects are cool, but spiders and snails are the best.

however, i do have a crippling phobia of maggots and leeches. and sometimes slugs, if they remind me too much of the aforementioned organisms. but that isnt all the time.

i love talking to random things especially things like postboxes coz they cant run away. and talking to myself. hugging trees.

I'd like to meet:

people who are really good at things, so i can steal parts of their brain and create a super human. maybe in my own skull. that would be good.

any other christians. not that i havn't already met some, but i just get really excited when i meet someone whos a christian. coz im cool.

and anyone really. i don't mind.


anything: rock, punk, indie, metal, ska, funk, jazz, swing, blues, alternative stuff, dance, rap, r&b (although not that much), some classical, reggae. literally anything.

brand new's music completely hypnotizes me.

some other bands: showbread. the dresden dolls.
+ the chemical brothers. finch. rancid. def leppard. family force 5. placebo. reel big fish. lovedrug. velvet revolver. rage against the machine. metallica. patrick wolf. motley crue. ok go. nine inch nails. P.O.D. thebandwithnoname. dire straits.


SWEENEY TODD and anything by tim burton.
+ shawshank redemption. moulin rouge. drop dead fred. napolean dynamite.
pirates of the carribean. the spongebob squarepants movie. donnie darko.
road to el dorado. whats eating gilbert grape? k-pax. V for vendetta. fight club.


+ fairly odd parents. pingu. scrubs. two pints of lager and a packet of crisps.



"I like to think I have the guts to stand up anonymously in a western democracy and call for things no-one else believes in - like peace and justice and freedom" (Banksy)

+ vernon god little
+ ten sorry tales. particularly the lepidoctor


Jesus. no-one compares to Him.

(that makes me cry every time i see it.)

My Blog

summer 07

just to let you know, i have had like, the best summer of my life ukraine - amazing, even if i didnt really have a specific job like everyone else and had to play an instrument in front of 100s of kid...
Posted by katherine on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 06:19:00 PST

The Amazing Adventures Of Mary The Furry Duck

once upon a time there was a duck called Mary. she didnt live in a pond, she lived up a mountain. but because there was always snow there her feathers turned into really thick fur. so she was a bit of...
Posted by katherine on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 05:50:00 PST

70 things... why not?

70 tings bout moi. 1. DO YOU SNORE? no (i dont think so anyway)2. ARE YOU A LOVER OR FIGHTER? loverrrr3. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? leaches *shudder* and ventriloquist dummies are pretty bad aswell.4. AS...
Posted by katherine on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:31:00 PST