.. Despite my age and cardiac problems,I am still very much young at heart!
I enjoy life to the full and live for and enjoy each and everyday!
I am happily married and I enjoy chatting and meeting new and interesting people.
I am a polite and caring person and despite my illness,my shoulder is always here for my friends to both laugh or cry on.
If you can't do anyone a good turn,then you don't do them a bad one .. That is my motto!
I already have many friends of all ages from all over the world!
I am a keen Morris Minor enthuasist and am the proud owner of a 1955 Series 2 split windscreen saloon.
In my former career before my illness,I was in a job were I met and helped thousands of people from all walks of life,age,creed and gender!
Therefore,I am able to chat and make friends with almost anyone .... just as long as they are polite and not arrogant, selfish or uncaring ... Sadly there are far too many of those type in the world today.
In November 2007,I underwent an operation which was of a Very Risk for me due to my serious cardiac problems ... To have delayed or not had the operation done .. would have put my life at an even greater risk! After a few scares during my operation .. it was successful ... Then just 3 days later .. thankfully,when I was still in the Intensive Care Unit .. I suffered a massive blood clot that entered my heart .. and thankfully didn't stop until it entered one of my lungs .. Had it stopped in my heart .. then that would have been the end!
I was then put on a ventilator and my wife was warned to expect the worse due to how serious everything was for me .. But,the care,kindness and skill of the wonderful staff on the unit,plus my will power to the very end .. plus retaining my good sense of humour .. I made it!
There is a lot of damage done to BOTH my heart and my lungs .. and I know I am on borrowed time!
I am not telling you all of this just to want sympathy .. but I want to tell you ALL .. just ALL of YOU do the same as ME .. and live for AND enjoy each and everyday of your life!
Friends are VERY important,therefore ...please feel free to add me as your friend at anytime ... And MANY thanks to ALL my Worldwide Friends for their messages during my critical period!