Clothes too! Delirius Monkey (our in-house label), Misericordia, Bingo, Boycotlettes, Kiks, Locksteady, Poise, Tauko, Kilombo, Generalissimo, Amo Amiamo, Läs, among others. Accessories... by Cakesniffer, Kaunis Klaara, Doggybag, Playtime, Emmi, Funky Homo Sapiens, Työhuone 8, Artsu, EL6, etc.
More artists and designers for exhibits! Over the years we've had shows by Akayism, Jenni Rope, Sunna Kangas, King Nosmo, Pusi Pusi, Helsinki Hall of Fame, Vänskap, Tuulanauhat, Super 8, HuskMitNavn, Kasper Sonne, Erika Erre, Hornshoj & Virtanen, Rinne Niinikoski, Ulla Karttunen, Proteesiryhmä, Orvokki Halme, Pysselklubben, Sami Havia, Sampo Hänninen, Kasino, Håkki, John Phillip Mäkinen, Christer Nuutinen, among many others...
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We carry of music of different types from Finland and beyond, including labels like If Society, Lal Lal Lal Records, Tuulanauhat, and many other independent people.
Fresh! New TSHIRTS IN Now available Have you seen Gareth? Give us a call please!
Yes we carry books, comics, zines, and magazines at the shop, including names like Bulgaria, Basso, Lodown, Kasino, Mödart, Pauliina Mäkelä, Boing Being, Tommi Musturi, Elk, Christer Nuutinen, Sanni Seppä, Kaino Kustanne, King Nosmo, Belio, Rojo, among others.