About Me
Madden it's not a game ent started summer of 06. the best summer of my life.I worke three of the realest dudes you would ever want to meet.It was like if I would have met bigge,pac,nelly.We recorded seven songs and I worked with some of the best producers in the state. And met some of the best recording artist in the state.like j-sm00ve, tak, jboog ,big sorce of quick -2-blast recordz,live45, y.v.and inner hyphy ent. hustlized musac way2major productions,cuss money,mista k and k stunna, boss o and young $gutta$, lil cash, gunn studio, bar-none-records, mistamobley,e.s.g.c,fate gutta ,whyteowle,cujo and 101 records ,ky kings,scoupe and blacklife ent, g-mack ,phsyc mike,2-tryl,infinite faction j-bird jones, c-gates, shaun, gottie, jup,coachmidwestfinest ,B,coachclick ent.and shot out to dj dceezy, hood queens, black coffey,j-coffey special shot out to one of the realleast dudes I ever met lil busta thank you all lat work to gather and we will get in . Island def jam music group,koch ent. And the new artists young stunnza of madden it's not a game ent.and c.e.o wp ent.lil ca$h will do a show on 16 of dec with the ky stunnaz aka y.r.c madden it's not a game ent. two of the hottest young groups to come out of the lexington ky. young stunnaz lil cash& lil fields /young coachclick young k, t mac, young tank http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x125/maddenmiller/tn-1.jp